# - I've been writing a lot about the World Series lately. Boy, they have really turned that thing into a farce. MLB, by selling its soul to Fox, now really have their nuts in a vice, with all these Fox late Eastern primetime starting times, which made an absolute mockery out of Game 5. It was cold, windy and a 1" per hour rain was falling, and the infield was quickly turning into a mud field. They should have put the tarp on the field in the 4th inning, but being the douches they are, stretched it out to the mid-6th which conditions were unplayable, and the Rays got a run out of it. Apparently there is no rule in MLB that once a postseason game becomes official after 5 innings, there is obligation to finish it. And it's lame to call the game if the Phillies were up 2-1 if it happened, it being the World Series and all, like they're gonna crown the Phillies at like 2:37am after a given period of wait. Now Tuesday night's continuation has been suspended, with a possible Wednesday being suspended as well. Selig even joked that they'd wait till Thanksgiving if they had to. *Moan*. Stuff like this wouldn't happened if they just used common sense, and LISTEN to the forecasts, and move the game up to a mid-afternoon start so they wouldn't have to deal with rain they KNOW is coming, but Fox is just too damn insistent getting that primetime showing. It's my prediction that all baseball playoffs will end up on cable in the future, due to things like this happening and Fox realizing what a horrible investment it is, and I doubt other networks will throw the huge money at it.
# - Today was free 'Steal A Base / Steal A Taco' promotion day from Taco Hell, since in the World Series Game 1 in the bottom of the 5th, Tampa Bay Ray Romano's shortstop Jason Bartlett stole 2nd base, everyone in America gets a free crunchy seasoned beef taco on Tuesday, October 28th from 2pm-6pm (I know). So at 2pm I drove down to the Taco Hell hybrid and got myself a mid-afternoon snack. I look forward to digesting it sometime in the 2010's.
# - As for every Tuesday to me is known (or should be) as "Taco Tuesday", Tuesday is also my "Football Pick 'Em's Tuesday", given the lack of a better name. I have to say, this has been, without doubt, the absolute worst season I have ever done, both College and Pro. For Pro, I'm playing with a spread, so it makes it even harder. First I resorted to favorites, then home teams, then 'who's got the better uniform', then underdogs, considered using the Chicago Tribune Friday's sports section NFL roundup, and now in complete desperation, I've resorted to completely random picking. Those include: using the deck from the board game "Sorry!" using two down cards to find the higher one (a few teams got Sorry cards), a pair of dice from the board game "Yahtzee!", or a coin flip with heads being 'home' and tails being 'road'. I haven't decided what coin to use, I thought maybe a penny from the year I was born, or some out of place penny from 1987 of Can-o-da (if anything significant happened that year in Can-o-da, drop a line). I'll be keeping records.
# - Halloween is Friday. It is not a holiday I celebrate. I haven't trick or treated since October 1990, and when you're 5' 6", that's when you know the end is near, and I was never the vandalizing type, so I had no use for it anymore. It always seems like it rains and is cold and windy here on Halloween, tho when I went, it was usually pretty decent. I was never really into costumes, I hated any makeup or masks, tho I did go as the devil a few years (SATAN!) including one of the lamest costumes I ever came up with (or heard of) in Kindergarten, where I went as "Man with beard", even tho I couldn't even spell the damn word at the time. Back in the day, my favorite candy was: Milky Ways, Butterfingers, Reeces Peanutbutter Cups, Sweettarts, Nestle mini chocolate bars, Junior Mints, Twix, Nerds, and those soft pink bubble gum wads that came in white & blue wax paper. I never really cared for the stuff with nuts, coconut, or were chewy, and Candy Corn always made me feel sick. Around the neighborhood, there was always the cheapskate bastards who gave us sacks-o-pennies, people who cheap-out and use the self-serve Brach's candy bin in the local supermarket and stock up on cheap caramel Brach Royals & jelly drops (my parents) or the religious freaks next door who gave out Baptist literature only to be littered on the front lawn, and your typical hard jelly-filled candies that cut your mouth and tongue up. I'm just glad I don't work in an office where I would be expected to participate in dressing up. If they asked, "Where's your Halloween spirit?", I'd reply, "Back in 1990, where it belongs".
# - Bird is still the word.
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