I hope they lose. Cubs suck. Cubs fans are total idiots, too. That said...
May 11th the Padres will be having a 1973 Turn Back The Clock game, according to the Uni Watch blog. While I love that color scheme in general, why pick the all-yellow uni???
Hmm...more options for blogging now. Hmmm
Hmmm... guess I do have more to say. As well as being a baseball buff, I'm also a Sports Business junkie and a sports uniform buff & designer. Trust me, I like every site that has to do with these things, especially ballpark news and aesthetics discussion and all. But while i love to converse with them and waste time hanging out & dwelling, it seems like my peers largely consum of mostly East Coasters / against all public funding for stadiums / against Native American mascots / angry Liberals.
Look, I say funding a ballpark is just as pointful as funding a theatre or museum. Not everyone is into theatre or museums or parks, so why should sports stadiums be any different? It's bad enough these stupid Liberal protesters scared all these high schools and colleges from changing their Native American mascots, replacing cl.assic & cl.assy names with stupid sh*t like "Wildcats" or "Redhawks" or some stupid animal name. I happen to live on an area where the Natives once roamed, and have visited their culture many times. Not to mention apparently a lot of my friends are part Native American. My high school was/is named "Warriors" with a Native American mascot logo, my hockey team is called the "Blackhawks" with a gorgeous Indian head logo on the sweater, and I happen to like Chief Wahoo & Chief Nockahoma & Chief Illiniwek. You stupid white Liberals b*tching about sh*t that doesn't affect you, and it's proven that a huge majority, at least 96+% of actual Native Americans don't care if they use Native mascots. They're considered team PRIDE icons, not mockery, stupid Liberal idiots. And I consider the "Notre Dame Fighting Irish" to be far more offensive then any Native American mascot, that it implies that Irish people are nothing more than a bunch of angry violent drunks who resort to brutality and destruction of property & beat up women. But has anyone changed the mascot name? Of course not. Common sense prevailed and they realized "it's just a mascot."