Victory is mine!
Awaken up extremely early from a deep drunk sleep by the annoying buzzard of a high-pitched alarm clock from the early 1990s, I woke up, chowed down on some pasta in tomato garlic sauce, a slice of white bread, some milk, water, multi-vitamin & a can of Dr. Pepper for a power breakfast for morning tennis. Despite this odd breakfast, it did the trick. I was down 4-5 in the first set, amazing since it was 2-4 at one point, got it to 6-5, then beat my old self to 6-6 to force a tie-breaker, which of course contains the ever confusing 7-point tie breaker with rules. Which I won 7-2 (7-6) and won the 2nd set 6-0. Yes. Winner! Man, I haven't won at tennis in years. '05's 100 degree match resulted in a 1-1 set tie stuck at 4-4 in the 3rd set.
What's up with Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas getting 15 to 20 inches of rain? (I know, stalling / broken weather flowing pattern with La Nina factors) Floodin' ain't cool, man. Tell the rain n' the squares to go away! You ain't cool in this part of town.
And I don't have to tell you that hot dog eating contests is pure idiocy. While now an American is the new champ, Joey Chesnut downed 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Let's see now. 66 hot dogs. The first food to be banned on my Purification Diet was hot dogs, the day after a disastrous outing at the Cell where I consumed four $1 hot dogs. Let's take one typical hot dog, normal size, normal brand (it's all garbage) at 1.6 oz. Total Fat 17g (26%), Saturated Fat 7g (35%), Cholesterol 50mg (17%), Sodium 540 mg (23%). Let's have some calculation fun. 66 X that = 1122g (1716%), 462g (2310%), 3300mg (1122%) and 35,640mg (1518%). And that's not even including the bun, either, which has roughly 2g (3%), 0.5g (2%), 0mg (0%), 146mg (6%) / 132g (198%), 33g (132%), 0mg (0%), 9636mg (396%). Add all those up:
Total Fat 1254g (1914%), Saturated Fat 945g (2442%), Cholesterol 3300mg (1122%), Sodium 48,576 (1914%). Does anybody see the pure stupidity of eating more than one hot dog, let alone 66??! I've heard of this Chesnut person before as well as Kobayashi, and I know they've been doing this for a while now. Will they live to see 40? No. Was it worth it? No. Are they total idiots? Yes. I used to eat 2 to 4 hot dogs a week roughly, with various ingredients (Chicago Sty-le my favorite) until one day I got my head out of my ass and realized that it was the toppings that I was enjoying, rather than the hot dog itself. De-idiotizing onesself is a virtue. Advice for all: hot dogs are pure garbage. Advice for all: hot dogs lead to death. Dat is all.
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