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No tennis match but a logo / etc.

No tennis match this week (friend is out camping with his wife) but dug up a personal tennis logo I made based off the old 1976-1990 White Sox logo that I drew pretty quickly. I tried it with a thicker racquet; didn't look right. If I ever decide to waste money on tennis apparel by slapping on my own logo on racquets / shirts / whatever, this is what I'd go with. Speaking of which, I need a new racquet…. one that doesn't like a crappy 1998 gradient galore one which is ass-ugly.

Made some delicious homemade chicken soup again, tho the oyster crackers were tossed because they instantly turned to mush.

It's been a very busy week in the world of sports. The NBA took a huge hit with Tim Donaghy and his gambling and mob connections. I KNEW those Bulls games I watched seemed a bit odd! Another rider got caught doping on the Tour De France (what a surprise) and then of course, Michael Vick. I don't know what's going to happen to him (jail, banishment from the NFL) but he is going to Hell. I can't believe people are actually siding with him; saying he's entitled to a due process. But come on. Are people that blind / in love with their athletes that they can do no wrong? Is dogfighting not that bad of a thing to some people?? How could you even justify that?! Possession is 9/10ths of the law. Don't idolize athletes, for christ's sake. If I ever have kids, and Michael Jordan is the topic, and my son says "I want to be like Mike!", I will immediately say "No you DON'T!". I don't care if he was the greatest basketball player ever & won my team 6 championships (which I only followed the 1st three), the man cheated on his (then) wife before they were even married, and the guy is a total dick for a teammate.

Now for the even sadder news: Bonds hit # 754 last night. Boy that sure killed the buzz. 1 away from tying; 2 from owning. I think Bud Selig is making a terrible mistake on attending # 756. No it's NOT the right thing to do, and you don't owe Bonds or those naïve Giants fans a damn thing. Bonds is a sham. He will break the record at home (a given) and there will be a huge celebration; probably with a masturbatory 3-hour car ride around AT&T Park with his big fat bald head shining off the lights and his phony smile and his Science Lab body waving his arms. Personally, I'd like to see it happen on the road, he hits # 756, the fans completely ignore it, then he picks up his bat, slams it down, and screams, "WTF, where's my parade??! Where's my Jaguar?!!! Where's my solid gold toilet?!! Where's my solid 24-karat gold Jaguar??!" And then he would be showered with boos and syringes.