Along with more modern stupidity of people trying to multitask/clutter up their lives with more distracting technology (i.e. iPhone) or the fact that it’s too much to ask people to literally pay attention to the road while they’re driving in their vehicles & not talk on the phone, fidle with the radio, eat. Along with these towns and cities trying to ban smoking in bars & restaurants, along these idiots saying it’s not hurting business, which is total b.s. (local Tinley Park instituted a smoking ban & businesses are down 40% to 60%. Other local news reports concurred Chicago's smoking ban is hurting businesses, tho not as high).
Boycotting an establishment is a lot easier than actually physically going there. Each day somebody is trying to revoke our rights and privileges. Along with the media trying to tact on sentimentality that the New Orleans Saints are the real favorites on Sunday over the Bears, solely because of Hurricane Katrina. You know if the Saints go to the Super Bowl, it's going to be all about the city of New Orleans. But the news and media is in a pathetic state, like I’m supposed to care about a dog that ran on the freeway in Missouri, or if Whitney Houston’s house is up for sale. Don’t try to manipulate us with sentimentality. Just give us the news.
And finally, 1” to 3” of snow is predicted for Bears game tomorrow afternoon, and the Saints being a dome team and all, I’m sticking with my previous weather prediction of 17-10 Bears. And this is including a messy Rex, a slowed-down Saints offense and a Bears Defense – Special Teams contributing 7 to 14 points on the board.