Let's start with the Overrated.
The 1960s & especially 1967. I think we've heard enough about the stupid 1960s and all that hippie peace love crap. Soon when it hits 2010, the 1960 will be 50 years old. I'm tired of hearing about it & especially the music. At least we'll have the joy of watching the last authentic hippie actually die and finally be freed of the Earth.
Wrigley Field
Tear the dump down. The Cubs have never won anything at Wrigley, and they never will. Fans are getting restless when their ticket prices keep skyrocketing for the same cramped seat in the same tiny dirty ballpark where people piss in a filthy trough. The ballpark is a whole design flaw in itself. It faces straight North, when a ballpark should face Southeast or Southwest. The seats are cramped, there's no room for concessions, hours are spent waiting in line to piss & get food, and I'm pretty sure all the offices & dugouts are outdated, no matter how much renovation they've gone under. And there's something seriously wrong with your ballpark if the weather that MUCH of an X factor. Besides, you know they'll have to tear it down one day. The plan will be to tear down the offices & building & upper deck, while leaving the field, ivy and bricks alone, and play home games in Milwaukee for 2-3 years. The White Sox have already rejected the Cubs to play in the Cell. Heheheh. And besides, it's a new age in sports, and the era of the old & c.lassic ballpark is dead. Ballparks are just mere playing fields anymore and they're designed solely to maximize profits and cater to convenience. Romance is dead. Deal with it.
What I declared:
Get RID of commercials during baseball games! I'm tired of seeing the same god damned commercial 17 times a game! No I won't test drive your crappy car, no I won't drink your cheap pisswater beer and no I won't fly Southwestern Airlines! I'd gladly settle for either a blank screen or pan the stadium or just listen to the announcers talk for 45 to 75 seconds. Imagine uninterrupted baseball games. That'd be sweet.
After much careful consideration, and after have eaten hundreds, if not thousands of burgers, I have finally picked the perfect burger. After considering many, many different ingredients and combinations, I've finally decided. The pattie would be grilled with charcoal and wood chips, that's a given. No thicker than a half inch. The ingredients would be deli-style American cheese & sweet onion. No lettuce, no tomato, no bacon, no mushrooms, no barbeque sauce, no Frisco sauce, no pickles, no Swiss or Cheddar cheese and especially absolutely no mustard or ketchup. For me, nothing ruins food like ketchup. It just takes over the flavor of everything, and the other ingredients are nice but not essential. White bun, fresh and untoasted with no butter or mayo or Miracle whip spread on, pattie with melted American cheese & sliced or diced sweet onion. Simple? Yes. Plain? Yes. Plus a good cheese to meat ratio as well. Some places dress up their bland and tasteless bulky meat with numerous ingredients in an attempt to serve a "quality flavorful burger". But they are wrong. And remember, use REAL cheese. None of this Kraft singles / individually wrapped stuff. Kraft makes horrible products and their cheese is Kraft Krap.
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