Welcome to the first installment of "Dude, that's old news" movie reviews, the blog that tells you whether or not you should see a movie long after you probably already have seen it! Today, I review "Transformers", which came out July 3 and which I saw on July 7.
Ah, Transformers. Starting with the 80's, just about every male has seen this series of TV shows/action figure product placements in some form or another. Personally, I was a big fan of "Beast Wars" back in the 90's. Of course, these days you don't have to see all of these many incarnations to understand the whole franchise, thanks to Wikipedia, God's fourth greatest gift to mankind (right after Jesus, the Nintendo Wii, and dippin' dots). Anyway, the point is you don't have to be a diehard fan to understand this movie.
Of course, you don't even have to be very intelligent either. This is, after all, Michael "Armageddon"/"Bad Boys"/"The Island" Bay directing, master of seizure-inducing rapid cuts, unnecessary slow motion, and heroic sunsets. I can't say that I've enjoyed any of his movies that much, although "Armageddon" is excellent for making fun of (read a humorous recap at The Agony Booth). Anyway, though Bay's hacky sensibilities show through at times, this is overall an excellent moviegoing experience, definitely worth that ridiculous ticket price.
You probably already know the plot of Transformers, since all you have to do is read a synopsis online, watch the trailer, watch a commercial, heck, you can figure it out from the poster. Good robots versus bad robots. Okay fine, there's an actual reason for the fighting: both sides want the macguffin: the "Allspark", which turns ordinaryEarth machines into evil transformers. No, I am not making this up. Just don't think about it too much. In fact, don't think too much over anything you're told in this movie. It's safer for your mental health that way.
Anyway, I'm getting tired of writing, so I'll just give you the facts this way:
-The Humor. This movie is a lot funnier than you would think. It's almost never forced, often clever. I didn't expect it, but it was great. In fact, remove the giant robots and you would have the first good teen comedy in history.
-The Special Effects. Eye-poppingly good. A brief look at Wikipedia tells you that each of the robots is animated with tens of thousands of moving parts. They look completely convincing.
-The Voice Work. While the things the robots are actually saying isn't so great (more on that later), the voice actors are all great, although only Peter Cullen gets a chance to shine. In case you didn't know, Cullen voiced Optimus Prime (what do you mean you don't know who that is? inexcusable, visit Wikipedia now!) in the original Transformers series, and he reprises his role here.
-The Acting. Shia LaBeouf (not sure I spelled his name right...) is great, and all of the supporting cast is good as well. Jon Turturro gleefully chews scenery as the obnoxious head of a secret organization.
-The Writing. About the level I would expect from a Michael Bay film. It's cheesy, especially the transformers' lines. And the plot, as already stated, is pretty much nonexistant and doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
-The Action. Another Michael Bay hallmark. The fight sequences are filmed A) too close up and B) too fast. It does not make a good combination. You can't tell what's going on, and I felt downright nauseous at times.
-Other Special Effects. Remember how I said the transformers are made up of thousands of pieces? Well, when they stand still, they look great, but when they're moving fast, they just look like a mass of parts. Combined with the above complaint, it doesn't look too good.
Anyway, with this movie, it's easy to overlook its faults. The fact is, it never asks you to take it seriously, which is a breath of fresh air these days, especially with some adaptations of other works making things overly dark. The movie just asks you to sit back and enjoy the ride. Turn off your brain and take it all in. Normally, I don't like turning off my brain. I love my brain. But I did it for this movie. And it was worth it.
RATING: ***1/2 (Three and a half asterisks out of five)
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