This time of year I'm reaaaaaaaaaaallly happy and thats because all the shows start back up again....and this fall there's been some really good ones that are new. If you need show reccomendations, keep on reading because I have lots of reviews :)
Okay, so Desperate Housewives. One of my favortite shows to begin with, so I already knew this season would be amazing!! The whole Edie plot was hysterical and Mike and Susan are so cute together! Carlos and Gaby, well they need to work their "relationship" out but they'll find peace eventually!!
Grey's Anatomy, of course, a great show. Mostly everyone on loves it!! MerDer, well I've seen spoilers and I wont ruin it but things'll get heated up between them!! And I'm not saying its a bad thing either!
Okay, this is the first new show I'm watching this season. Moonlight seemed too similar to my fav. book, Twilight, so I wasnt sure if I should watch it or not. I wound up watching it and I have to say: it is SO good! It's suspensful, romantic and funny, and the actors are really talented! The plot always is amazing so theres always something to look forward to.
Pushing Daisies, which starts tonight, leaked a few months ago so I saw the 1st episode. SO goooooood!!! Ned and Chuck are so cute together (yes Chuck is a girls name, short for Charlotte!!) Ned can bring people back to life for 60 seconds, then he touches them again and they die for good. If he doesn't touch them again someone near them dies. If you couldn't figure it out already, he brings his old childhood friend Chuck back to life and leaves her alive. The catch: he can never touch her or else she'll die forever.
All the Monday night shows (HIMYM and TAAHM) are short half hour shows and they're pretty cute and funny. I refuse to watch Big Bang Theory because that show should have been the second season of The Class. Who cares about nerdy scientists who get a new neighbor anyway??
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