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*pretty_fish Blog

American Idol

My internet is going to be pretty sporadic for awhile, so please everyone bear with me.

I watched American Idol tonight.  I haven't watched recent seasons - I was OBSESSED with Season 2 and Clay Aiken and no one even comes close to him so I lost interest after the likes of Fantasia and Bo Bice got so far in the competition.  But I watched tonight and totally fell in love with Antonella Barba - I have a thing for scandal it seems!  I don't care if she isn't a great singer, I still voted for her because I want to see how many more fake photos the internet can turn up!

I'm back!

I was gone for a week and missed the Oscars!  I'm so upset!  But now I am back and catching up on all my celebrity gossip and that sort of jazz!  Hurray!

Brit Brit

If the rumors are true, and Britney Spears actually did shave her head tonight, well, I think I can die a happy woman.  That is the kind of ridiculous gossip/happening that you just never see coming!


It's true!  I'm agog.

Grey's Anatomy (spoilery)

I have too much sense to believe that Meredith is actually dead (and I don't read spoilers) but I really hope she is.  I just find her so spoiled and abrasive and horrible.  Recently, Addison and Alex have been growing on me more than any other character, and Izzie has just been driving me nuts.  They give her the worst storylines, she's just borderline crazy all of the time and poor Katherine Heigl, whom I've loved ever since 'Wish Upon a Star,' ends up just looking foolish.  I really wish Shonda Rimes weren't writing all these episodes because seriously, it's starting to feel like a ban fanfic.  I'm sorry, but it is.

My heart melted a little bit when Mark was comforting Derek, though.  That was a very nice touch.


I love award shows.  I love seeing the dresses, hearing the speeches, laughing awkwardly at pre-written unfunny jokes, the whole shebang.

But I hate the Grammy's.

To me, the Grammy's are so ridiculous because there seems to be 18 categories all meaning the same thing.  Album v. Record v. Song of the year - why so many different awards if they're all won by the same person?  There are just TOO many categories.  Additionally, I really think music is much more subjective than movies or TV - you can tell when a person is a good actor, even if you don't care for them.  I don't know many people who can find the musicality in something which they don't like.  I don't like the Grammys.

Additionally, I love the Black Eyed Peas, but the fact that they won a Grammy - for MY HUMPS - is absolutely ridiculous, and only proves my point, the Grammy's are the worst award show ever.

The Simple Life

I absolutely love The Simple Life.  It's that simple.

I adore Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.  No matter how stupid they are or how many horrible publicity stunts come out, I can't help but believe deep down inside they are nice people, and I would just about kill to hang out with them.  They are just too hilarious.

Thank goodness for E! and old reruns of The Simple Life, for definite.

New Icon

So I got myself a new icon - took a screen cap from Smokin Aces and cropped it all snazzy-like.  I'm pretty proud, but mostly just glad that I don't have to stare at that little creepy default picture anymore.

So there is another celebrity sex tape out there, Kim Kardashian, and seriously, who cares?  Who's actually going to pay  money to see it?  I just don't understand.  One Night in Paris, yeah, I get it, heck, I almost own it, but all these third-rate "celebrities" - Screech, Kim K, etc - it just seems to me like the worst of the worst publicity.  It just makes me wonder what their publicists are thinking - because I'm pretty sure I could do a better job if I had to.

Go see Smokin' Aces!

So, I am a gigantic Jeremy Piven fan, and I went and saw Smokin' Aces on opening day and absolutely loved it.  To try and convince other people to go see it, I want to share with you all a note I wrote to the director, Joe Carnahan.

I went and saw Smokin Aces again for the second time tonight (I saw it opening Friday as well). By 'went' I mean, I attempted to coerce anyone available to join me, and when that failed, still drove 20 miles in below-zero, Minnesotan conditions to the nearest theatre carrying it, by myself, with one good hand.

It was a great decision. I'll admit, the first time I saw it was mostly due to my love for one Mr. Jeremy Piven, and he certaintly didn't disappoint. However, this second time I was able to catch a lot more of the plot and subtelties and amazing jobs from the other actors as well, since I already knew when Piven would be on the screen.

Let me just say that I think you made a truly amazing movie, regardless of what critics say. It is complex enough to keep a person interested, but you still manage to develop characters enough that you don't feel gypped out of a storyline at the end. The casting was above superb - regardless of my love for him, I thought Jeremy Piven acted the hell out of his part, I could palpably feel Ryan Reynolds frustration towards the end, and both Common and Alicia Keys definitely chose the right movie to begin acting careers!

I'll just end this little note of adoration by saying that I think the ending was absolutely perfect. That last scene, when SPOILER SO I REMOVED IT; it blew me away the first time and then blew me away again tonight. All I could do was lean back into my chair and let it wash over me in waves. I would gladly pay $10 yet again just for those last two minutes, and I sincerely hope that final instrumental will be on the soundtrack.

So please, go see Smokin Aces, ok?

First blog

Here's a nice and boring first blog post to get the ball rolling on this.   It's painful and laborious to type (not unlike most current reality shows are to watch) because one of my hands is gimping along in a splint for the next three weeks.

I'm probably just about your average television watcher with a stubborn bent.  I tend to not like shows that became popular before I started watching them.  For instance, I watched Grey's Anatomy from the beginning (quite by accident - just too damn lazy to change the channel from DH), and am still sort of cranky at the amount of fangirlling which goes on, not the least of which is from Shonda Rhimes.  I don't watch House or Lost or Veronica Mars or any of that 'popular' crap - whether its because I think they're bad shows or because I hate being behind the times is up to you.

I'm also a celebrity gossip fiend, with Defamer, Pink is the New Blog and ohnotheydidnt being my favorite sources of gossip.  Entourage fits into my vicarious lifestyle quite nicely.