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*prince_rich Blog

Road Rage Episode 214

Road Rage

Episode 14

Race Night 2

(Through Glass by Stone Sour) is playing. T.J is sitting in his room with his hands on his head. Its dark outside. We flashback to earlier that night. In the garage Jamie looks shocked at what T.J said. "How can you do this to me" Jamie yells to T.J. We flash back to now with Jamie running down the street. T.J looking out his window. Flashback again to the garage. "I had to tell you" T.J pleads to Jamie. "Go to hell" she takes off. Back to T.J's room. He sends some pictures flying. Music still playing we see Katey in her room with her hands on her head. We flashback to earlier that night where she is kissing Tim. "How about I come inside" Tim proposes to Katey. She looks at him in disbeleif. "Ok" We see Katey in her room again. She looks across the hall and Tim is out of the bathroom. He walks into Katey's bedroom and shuts the door. As the song ends we go to the theme.

Tim walks up to Katey who is sitting on her bed. He gets real close and looks down at her. He takes off his shirt. He leans down to kiss her but she stops him. "Get out. We cant." Tim playing dumb says "what are you talking about?" "Just leave. NOW." Tim gives her a dirty look and leaves. She looks in the mirror at herself and begins to cry.

The next morning Calvin wakes up in Uma's bed again. This time he he really late to get home. Everyone there is up for and getting ready for Race Night. He jumps out of bed and puts his clothes on. Uma wakes up. "Whats going on?" She asks. "I have to get home. My parents are going to kill me." "So. Tell them you were at whats her faces house. Carrot." "Her name is Cara. And they know her parents wouldnt allow it." Calvin charges out of the house and makes a run for home.

Chris and Sarah enter Zack and Marry's house. "Anything new with the looneys next door?" Sunny asks. "Stacey phoned me and said they were getting a divorce" Mary tells the married couple of Chris and Sarah. "I guess it was for the best. Stacey kissed me." Zack adds. "Score" Chris jokes.

T.J runs down to the kitchen when he wakes up. "You guys know what tonight is right?" T.J says to Tina and Bobby. "Yes we know. Race Night. How could we miss it." Tina says sarcasticly. "Your parents are out looking for Calvin. He wasnt here in the morning." Bobby tells T.J. "I seen him with Uma yesterday" T.J says. Tina's eyes widen. "Im just playin" T.J laughs.

Jamie goes to the race track early. Is it set up nicely for Race Night. She realizes that she will be perticipating in the town's biggest event. She pulls her car out of the lot and starts to practice. But she is not alone. She sees Jeremy's car parked off to the side she pulls up next to it and gets out. She cant see anyone. She looks inside the car only to see Jeremy doing cocaine. "What the hell do you think your doing. You cant do cocaine before the race." "Dont worry my precious. It will be out of my system before then. Besides, Im just testing it out. Im planning on selling it." "Your an idiot" she says to him and walks away. "But you love it." He yells to her.

Katey is looking for something to wear when she heat the front door knock. She ignores it and continues to search. Then she hears her mom shout that its for her. She runs down stairs and Carl is in the doorway. She says hi and he comes inside. "So tonight is Race Night. I was wondering if you had a date for it." "No I dont." answers Katey. "Good so Ill pick you up tonight and we'll go together." Carl says to her. "Ok." Carl leaves. Katey closes the door and has a worried look on her face.

Calvin is running on the sidewalk when his parents pull up to him. He pretends he doesnt see them and keeps on running. Then he gives up and stops. His Dad get out. "What is going on with you son. First you runaway with this girl. And then you come back and we were nice enough to forgive you. What kind of parents forgive there 13 year old son for running away to Jamaica? Well we did. Then you finally get a brain and go out with a nice girl in Cara. And now you break her heart to sneak behind are backs again with Uma. I have had enough. After Race Night tonight, your grounded, no T.V, no computor, no friends over, no munchies. For now on its only healthy food and homework for you. Now get your scrawny ass in the car before I kick it home." Calvin gets in the car.

Music montage of them getting ready to go to Race Night. (The Gift by Seether) We see T.J in his locker room. He is puting on his boots. He looks at the pictures in his locker. His parents. His brother and sister. Katey. And the group. It zooms in on Jamie. He walks outside and looks Jamie straight in the eyes. They stare at eachother for awhile before snapping out of it and going to there cars. Carl walks up to Kateys house. Katey comes outside and they get in the car and drive up. Tim pulls up behind them and begins to follow. Curtis is in ?his room packing when Stacey walks in and starts to kiss him. He pushes her away. "What are you doing?" he asks. "Dont ask questions" They fall on the bed. Chris walks in the house. He looks for Sarah. She isnt in the house. He goes outside and cant see her. He goes out back and looks in the little shed they have. There Sarah is with her face in a bag of cocaine.

Everybody is settled in there seats, awaiting the race to begin. As soon as the official shoots the gun, (Boulavard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day) begins.

The cars burst from they starting positions. T.J looks at Jamie's car. She has her eyes focused on the track. Jeremy comes up beside T.J. "You aint gotta chance if your gonna keep staring at blondey over there." He yells at T.J T.J looks at Jeremy and smiles. He pulls a little infront of Jeremy and rams his car into Jeremy's. Jeremy's car goes into the wall. Jeremy sticks his head out the window and laughs at T.J. "Tuche" The cars enter there last lap. Katey is sitting with Carl. But Tim is 5 rows behind them keeping a close eye. Sarah is there alone. She is crying while Zack and Mary console her. Back in the race T.J is in first. But Jamie is right behind him. The make a dash for the finnish. T.J's car looks to be ahead of Jamie's. T.J is close to the finnish line when he lets of on the gas a bit. Jamie gets past him and wins the race. When there cars stop Jamie gets out and is congradulated by her friends and family. T.J walks off.

Everyone is leaving the track when Cara catches up to Calvin. She pulls him aside. "Calvin I have to tell you something." "Whats wrong?" He asks. "Umm this is really hard to sugar coat so Im just going to say it. Im pregnant."

T.J is cleaning up after everyone leaves. Jamie walks up to him. "I know what you did." She tells him. "What? I didnt do anything." T.J lies. Jamie smiles and kisses him. (Boulavard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day) plays again. The camera pulls away with T.J and Jamie making out.

Next time on Road Rage: Tim doesnt give up on Katey. Uma learns about Calvin's situation. Another person may be pregnant. Chris delivers an altimadem to Sarah.