I just wanted to say sorry for being away for so long. We had a passing in my family and I was unable to jump online and talk about my favourite shows with you all.
I'm sooooo happy to be back and have as much fever and dedication to all my favourite shows that I ever did. As you could imagine I have alot alot alot of catching up to do, so I want to apologise for my ignorance during this time.
Lastly I also would like to say it is fantastic news to get back and see Moonlight is getting the 4 episodes ordered before the strike produced:D It really put a big smile on my face which would get even wider in CBS would renew for a full season 2! I hope this will happen. But I will not idly hope. I want do everything that I possibly can to help this become reality. This show really does deserve every opportunity presented to it. The efforts of one collaborating with many really is a force to be reckoned with...each and everything we do matters!! So Moonlight TV.Com family; I very much look forward to our fight together. The People's Choice awards serves as a testament to our dedication, loyalty and strength! Lets continue it on to get Moonlight a season 2. Vampire solidarity Rah Rah Rah!!!!!!!!!!!