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TDH-4-Catch me if u can

Owen:hey did u guys know that DJ and Katie r now dating


Chris on loudspeaker:ok campers for your next challenge meet me in the woods.

Lindsay:but its the oppisite of day

Duncan:ya its called dark

Lindsay:ok now i got it.ill tell chris

Lindsay(To Chris on loud speaker):HEY ITS DORK

Chris:hey your not very nice

Lindsay:your not my neice either

Duncan:were her mom and dad brother and sister

Katie,DJ, and Courtney burst out laughing

Katie:hey Duncan,Courtney come here


DJ:me and Katie were thinking.we could make an alliance

Courtney:k what do u say Duncan

Duncan:im into that

they get to the woods

Chris:ok campers for this challenge u must get into the safe zone b4 a :killer" gets you

they hear a noise and start running.Katie/DJ and Duncan/Courtney stay together

they see the "killer".Gwen pushes Courtney into the "killer then she runs

then the "killer" tags DJ

Duncan cant get them without him getting him so he runs away with Katie

Katie pushes Gwen into the killer

Duncan trips on Lindsay making the "killer" get her

the first one to the safe zone is Katie,followed by Trent and Duncan,and Owen

they other campers got caught

the campers are walking

Katie(to courtney):Atleast i got Gwen back for doing that 2 u

Courtney:we need to get rid of her all together

Duncan:how.Lindsay is voting for me for sure.

DJ:ya were only 4 against 5.Cody and Trent love Gwen so they wont vote for her,Lindsay is voting for Duncan.

Courtney:so we need Owen"s vote

DJ:i broguht some chips



Katie:we got u some chips if u vote for Gwen


he eats them all.then burps

owen:im probably not going to vote for Gwen.hehe

(at the "haunted house")

Chris:if u dont


Chris:im creating a suspence


Chris:the final peice of candy goes to.............

Katie and DJ and Courtney cross there fingers


Gwen:bye u guys

Cody hugs her,Trent kisses her

she waves bye on the boat

Trent and Cody are crying


Katie:what do u mean didnt u vote for her


Trent:y would u think he'd vote for her

Owen:cuz they gave me chips


Owen:but i didnt vote for her

Cody:then how did she....

everyone looks at Lindsay

Lindsay:oops i think i checked the wrong box

Trent:its ok

Trent:for now on u guys have your alliance and we have ours

Chris:i knew it would come to this

Owen:im not going into any alliance

Lindsay:me either

(end music in scary tone)