Hi people. Another long, random blog for you all to read. So anyway I got my braces off!! Yay. So like I was soo happy when I got them off. They looked great and all. I knew I would have to wear a retainer but I didn't think about how uncomfortable it would be! Well, first it gave me these mad ulcers. So maybe that's why it hurts so bad but still, it's more uncomfortable than braces. Its just more attractive than them, lol.
Ah so I was at volunteer work yesterday & omg so many hott guys came in to where I was volunteering. It was crazy, I didn't even keep count. But yeah they were really hott.
Grr, I hate these retainers! They are hurting my tongue now. Life's great, isn't it? & another thing about them. Whenever I take the top one off it makes the roof of my mouth feel soo weird! Ugh I hate it.
I recently discovered that I have a phobia of bugs. If one lands on my leg, I die. Okay well, I kind of knew this already, that I am afraid of bugs. But I didn't really notice until the random thought popped into my head. Flies, nats, ants, lady bugs, basically any of the little ones are fine. Except when a fly comes into the house, I hate that. It then becomes a war between me and the fly until I win. Lmao.
Okay well I should probably end this stupid blog. I don't want to further torture those who are still reading this far, haha =P