today was pretty sh*tty. & so was the day before that, & the day BEFORE that. like, seriously i don't know what's wrong with me. my emotions are going crazy, i'm getting upset at the most stupid thingssss. like not spoileed things cusss i'm not spoiled. i donn't know. like school blows major. basically what put me in this mood. okaay i juss need to write this out, i know yous don't care but i need to say this somewhere.
first off, the guy i like, i feel completely stupid for even liking him. i was so fooled that there was a little teeny teeny ounce of hope that he liked me back, but i know he doesn't. i jusss got that vibe. okay well it HAS been a week and i've been a little weird lately as you can tell by this post. okay i'm juss gonna stop here because i sound retarded.
& its like the first week back & i miss last year soo much, like its not even funny. i hate school!@#$%&^%^%^^^%
i can never tell what people think at my school. like what they think of me. i have such a low self esteem. =/