*sessjunkie Blog
I am proud of it to
by *sessjunkie on Comments
You are a hardcore gamer. You game for life, you
only play what's good and you dont care what
anyone thinks about it.
Wooo Link
by *sessjunkie on Comments
you are Link, the hero of time. yay!
which character from the Legend of Zelda are you?
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which character from the Legend of Zelda are you?
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by *sessjunkie on Comments
You Are A: Bear Cub!
Bears are strong and independent creatures who roam in the forest in search of food. Bears are usually gentle, but anger one and be prepared for their full fury! You won't back down from a fight, you have a bit of a temper -- classic attributes of a bear. Intelligent and resourceful, though lazy at times, you are a fascinating creature of the wild.
You were almost a: Kitten or a Monkey
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a BunnyWhat Cute Animal Are You?
Bears are strong and independent creatures who roam in the forest in search of food. Bears are usually gentle, but anger one and be prepared for their full fury! You won't back down from a fight, you have a bit of a temper -- classic attributes of a bear. Intelligent and resourceful, though lazy at times, you are a fascinating creature of the wild.
You were almost a: Kitten or a Monkey
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a BunnyWhat Cute Animal Are You?
I cant make up any titles for this ... Bwah!!
by *sessjunkie on Comments
You're the depressed and punky schoolgirl. You're
sort of a loner. Although you do have a few
friends who can understand you. Either
something bad has happened to you, or you were
just born upset like this. You have a lot of
emotions built up inside of you and some guys
like you but think that you're very
intimidating. Somehow, you need to find away to
release those feelings in a healthy way.
What kind of school girl are you? (cute pics)
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Got a website
by *sessjunkie on Comments
I feel so kickass even though right now it sucks' Feel free to post (on my site that is)right there on the right
With all this stress I wont be surprised
by *sessjunkie on Comments
You have grey hair. It's more like a weak silver.
Your a very traditional person and like to live
by the book and by the ancient ways.
What color hair do you have?
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Im only 14!!
by *sessjunkie on Comments
your age is 25 and up! you are an extremely wise
person who people come to if they need help or
a person that they can confied in. you look up
to the future and don't look back down. you
arn't affraid to reach your goals and have
complete confidence in your choices.
what is your inner age?????? ( with anime pics and for girls)
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