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I'm super SUPER sorry guys!

Holy crappolie! I'm soo sorry I haven't been on since..well sice the girlmore girls ended. It's been so hecktic and I just haven't been able to blog. Damn my scheduale. Sorry for all the spelling mistakes,that will happen cause I haven't been able to write or to remeber how to spell's the whole VK thing. The units (Parents but I call themunits.) wanted me to stop reading for 2 weeks and go toBritish Cloumbia and California with them. Well there plan didn't work cause for the2 weeks I was away I read 3 books and wrote to my best friendeveryday. Well I am now 16, it took awhile but Ifinally go to the big sweet 16. I didn't have a party like a normal kid, nope, I was in Cali with the units at the WBstudios, I got to go into Lorali's house and Sookies and I got to seeLukes dinner andthe soda shoppe and everythingelse in Stars Hollow. The only thing that sucked about it was the fact that they took down all the props like theStars Hollow sign and the Lukes sign. It was pretty bare only the stores and buildings were there. It was still nice being in on the Gilmore Girls lot.For the people that have VK now, I hope your summer is goinggood, asfor the people in school.. How's school?...well what elseam I suposted to say, "HAHA suckers your in school andI'm not", how fair is that? oh boy well I shall go, I'm going to go pick my best friend up from her house and were gunna chill, sweet the first time in 2 weeks, life is tres bein...