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*shybaby13 Blog


I came on here just to read all of the blogs I used to post. I laughed at my frequent misspelling and exclamation points and how the drama of middle school got me down.It's amazing how much of a different person I am now. The person who posted all of those blogs is almost unrecognizable to me.

Have you ever looked back and missed the person you used to be for a moment? I was such a dramatic, idealistic, obsessed person when I used to post these. I used to have trouble making relationships in real life and would find solace on my online blog. I used to think that all of the TV shows I watched were really, really, important, and that all of my ideas about them were important to the world. And now I've found myself and be heading off to college this year.

I want to be a writer and get a degree in English (hard to believe from my horrific fanfics, I know). I hope that all of the people who read my blogs and posted on here are doing well. You really were good friends to me.

new blog

Hi everyone! (or no one)

Wow, I haven't written a blog in forever! It's almost theurapuetic! My life's been going well, I guess. I'm working on a new fic on It's called just to Get it Over With. I'm going to Valleyfasir this Tuesday, that should be fun.

Ugh, I really wanted Allison to win Top Model, but Teyona's good, too. Wasn't last night's iCarly cute?! Anyway, I'm gonna go. I'm not even going to apologize for this short,random blog. Goodbye!

I Wish things were back to the way they used to be.

So It's about 34 below here. That's why I don't have school right now.

I really miss how things used to be. I know I said I would keep posting blogs but I'm starting to wonder, what's the point? I don't want to just leave and give up, because at least the forum is still going strong. But so many seem to be leaving.

Don't worry, I'm not leaving forever, so don't give me comments like: Oh shy don't leave!! NO!!!!!!11
I got another blog on wordpress. It's just called shybaby13's blog. I haven't done much there yet, but I'm still working on it. :)

Merry Christmas and a happy new Year

I haven't posted a new blog in the longest time... but neither have you the blogs are like, deserted now. I hope you all had a happy holiday. Everybody deserves at least one. Here is what I got for Christmas:
gold angel necklace
pink iPod Shuffle
3 sweaters ( not the icky knitted ones.)
3 shirts
2 pairs of jeans
Paul Mitchell body wash and lotion
Bath and body works juniper breeze lotion and body spray
For me that is pretty good.

I just left a message on Jenette's (mcurdy) phone. It was so cool. I asked her what she thought about the iCarly fanfics or if she'd read any. She said she would call people back!!! Ohmygoodness! That would be so amazing! :o I once got a phone call from a dude I listen to on the radio all the time. I didn't know it was him. When I found out that it was him on the phone, I freaked out. so imagine ME talking to Jenette that would be so cool. But it will never happen.

Do any of you still go on the Avatar forum still? Is it going strong?

Talk to you later!!

happy thanksgiving everyone./ There's too much drama in Theatre Arts

eK, Let's admit it, my blogs lately haven't been that "captivating" I'm just a writer wannabe. :(

How was your thanksgiving??? Did you eat a lot of turkey?? Oh I did.I gonna gain a pound.

There's a cat that lives outside my house. It's a girl, with oarnge fur. It's only like a year old. She's a really nice cat. If you go outside, she rubs against your legs. We fed her some thanksgiving turkey.

There was this girl I knew. Let's call her M. I met M in Theatre Arts. We sat at the same lunch table. She was really funny sometimes, but she always was complaining about her problems, never listening to other peoples problems, and she always found a way to make me feel miserable every day. She called me unpopular and told me she was waaaaay more popular than me. She told me my clothes didn't match, she told me nearly every day to bite her and often flipped people the bird.but she walked with me after gym. I don't think she really meant to make me sad.

Well, one day, another girl (I'll call her A)who sat at my lunch table got sick of M's complaining."I like you put every day you yell at everyone for no reason." She said some other stuff I can't remember.M, for just a second looked like she was going to cry. But she left the table to sit with some other friends. (some guys we knew from theatre arts)The next day, a girl (let's call her E) came and asked why A yelled at M (sorry I have to use letters!!) A said, "She always yelled at us!" or something like that. Somehow M had managed to turn theatre arts against A (or thats what A says).

On the day before thanksgiving break, M came to my table after spilling milk on one of the guys at the other table after A left to dump her tray. I was mad at the guys she spilled milk on because the day before he had kept sying the word retarded, and making weird noises and in case you don't remember, I am very sensitive to that word because I have 3 autistic siblings. Anyway, I was laughing with her because of the milk thing but she kept using the word special.Yes, I know the word special does not necessarily refer to special needs, but I was still thinking about hat that guy had said.So I told her to stop using that word, and she said-- no, yelled"You can't even take a joke! I'm glad I left this table."And then scurried away.I do not want M as an enemy. Ever since I first met her, I knew to try and stay on her good side. She was constanly threatening people bodily harm, but I doubted she could really hurt anyone. Physically, anyway. There's already people talking about how M thinks my clothes are ugly. (hello? I can't help it, Im POOR)So now I feel guilty about hurting her little feelings even though shes the one who hurt MY feelings daily. I guess I can understand where she's at. She feels like all her friends are turning on her. In fact, a little while before A yelled at her, she mentioned how people were going up to her boyfriend and calling her a b. But in all honesty, I think if she really wanted people to stop calling her that, she'd be a little nicer. Jusy my extremely humble opinion.



bruises by chairlift

I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Every time I fell on you yeah every time I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But every time I fell for you
I'm permanently black and blue
Permanently blue for you

I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Every time I fell on you yeah every time I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But every time I fell for you
I'm permanently black and blue
Permanently blue for you

For you
So black and blue
For you

I grabbed some frozen strawberries
So I could ice your bruisy knees
But frozen things, they all unfreeze and now I taste like
All those frozen strawberries I used to chill your bruisy knees
Hot July ain't good to me
I'm pink and black and blue

I got bruises on my knees for you
And grass stains on my knees for you
Got holes in my new jeans for you
Got pink and black and blue

Got bruises on my knees for you
And grass stains on my knees for you
Got holes in my new jeans for you
Got pink and black and blue for you

For you
So black and blue
For you


Hey everyone! I put up a story on fanfiction. I am afraid it is not that good. only 3 people commented.

Have I told you about my little lunch table drama? well there is a girl who sits by me. I like her, but she can be a little mean to people sometimes. So another girl at my table told her off. oh boy. anyway, we will be getting new lunch shift soon because our trimester ends. I have no idea who I will sit by. It's kind of like the first day of school all over again. I get some weird ****called teen living and a spanish **** at least I won't have science till the end of the year. but I still got math.

why is it that I always have mean bossy friends?? I guess people like that are naturally drawn to unathletic, shy pushovers. Don't get my wrong, I love all my friends. I just wonder if people actually are drawn to people completely different from themselves, or people like themselves.

rasicm/ don't take away my tv!

I never really thought there were that many racists in america, least of all people I knew. Turns out I was wrong. There are racists in my very school. This girl admitted it, making 2 other girls cry, while she LAUGHED. ugh. Then her friends supported her, acting like nothing was wrong because they're racist, too. unbelieveable.

On other news, my dad is really upset that Obama won. It does NOT have anything to do with his race, it's just that my dad does not aprove obama's policies. So automatically the thing my dad thinks of is to take away our television. He hasn't done that yet, but he said he never wants to hear about Obama again. Srsly, I think he is being way overdramtic, I mean he's not even president yet!!! Give me a break! whenever things don't go his way, he decides to mess with T.V. We already have the low channel pack. "Oh he's gonna tax us so we won't be able to aford it anyway." What the hellman's real mayonaise? If he takes my TV away I will throw the biggest fit he's ever seen, I'm not kidding.

Another day, another play

Yeah I had a play today:) It went well, I didn't forget any lines, and I think the audience liked it. A couple people told me I did a good job.

I might be writing about my experiences as a freshmen. Or I might not you just never know with me.


sorry for the short blog. :(

IT IS SNOWING (hey it's a free country I can write in caps if I want to!!!!)

Aw man it's snowing already. :(

Something was wrong with my computer before it was all blurry! I couldn't read anything. It seems to be back to normal now.


In theater arts My play is comming up soon. Sounds like my parents won't be able to come. I don't really mind because I have a small part.

Y'know gwSlm? He doesn't like me anyome. He is now gwlmbff which stands for guy who likes my bff!! Okay, weird or what? Anyway, at least he doesn't like me anymore and we can just be friends. Oh, and if your wondering, I don't think she likes him back. I need further confirmation on this.

On halloween I'll be at my bff's house I Think. Handing out candy.


social staus: loved loner

mood: happy


What is up everyone?? Is your day going well?

Ahhhh, Mea's is there anything better? (well, yes, christmas) No scrool tommorow! Yay!

I'm feeling much better this week :) I am getting along better with the people I eat lunch with. I'm doing better at math! Hopefully I can raise that c+ to a B.


Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Farris. very good book :)

fanfare: hey it's quote of the day!!!!!

Only two things are infinite, the universe and stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

-Albert Einstein

Gotta love Albert! Hey I'll talk to you guys later!