I never really thought there were that many racists in america, least of all people I knew. Turns out I was wrong. There are racists in my very school. This girl admitted it, making 2 other girls cry, while she LAUGHED. ugh. Then her friends supported her, acting like nothing was wrong because they're racist, too. unbelieveable.
On other news, my dad is really upset that Obama won. It does NOT have anything to do with his race, it's just that my dad does not aprove obama's policies. So automatically the thing my dad thinks of is to take away our television. He hasn't done that yet, but he said he never wants to hear about Obama again. Srsly, I think he is being way overdramtic, I mean he's not even president yet!!! Give me a break! whenever things don't go his way, he decides to mess with T.V. We already have the low channel pack. "Oh he's gonna tax us so we won't be able to aford it anyway." What the hellman's real mayonaise? If he takes my TV away I will throw the biggest fit he's ever seen, I'm not kidding.