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*silverlaine Blog

NEWSFLASH: I just came back from the dead.

Okay, I SERIOUSLY missed blogging. Everything about it, so I decided to come back and be resurrected. Haha. And may I just say I missed each and every one of the friends I made here in this site. Hopefully, we can keep in touch again. And now I'm ranting. Anyway, back to my blog...and my life..:)


[From Here to There ]

I want to take the most breathtaking photographs

I want in to swim in the sea without caring about the damn sunburn

I want to travel to each of the seven continents, go to the Killing Fields in Cambodia, visit Singapore, tour Spain, fall in love in London, enjoy the food in Greece, go ice fishing in Alaska, shop in Paris, appreciate Australia, take a train to Germany, enjoy the African wildlife, watch a football game in Korea, chill in Brazil, you get the picture...I want to see the world!

I want to go to Med School and prove to myself I can and will succeed

I want to learn to fly a plane

I want to learn to speak Spanish and Mandarin

I want to be the best ate and the ideal daughter

I want to learn to control my temper

I want to be more than fine, more than dandy, more than great

Because right now, I'm here, standing in the starting line, wondering how far I can run, I can take in, I can appreciate, I can taste, I smell, I can breath before I break into a run, half-sprinting for the finish line.

Because even though we often do not notice, we walk by Everyday so fast. Too fast. Without really getting anywhere so quickly. I realized I'm still close to where I started 15 years ago, my life still before me with so much to do, so much to see, so much to live for. I refuse to acknowledge that complacency of convincing and patting myself on the back for being where I want to be. Although I am thoroughly enjoying myself right now, I refuse to accept that this is as good as it gets.

I want to be one of those people who say with confidence that this is it. I want to say with an honest smile that "at this moment, I am content", that, as gruesome as it may sound, I could die at this very second with no regrets or bitterness.

I may not be able to do all those that I want to do, but at least I can say I never gave up, I tried, because that's where the secret lies, in the will and optimism and attitude to finish what's been started. It doesn't matter whether you cross the finish line unscathed, what matters, for me, is how much you've matured, you've learned, and even loved along the way. And maybe what enters to many of your minds at this point is the old folk saying that it's not the end of race that counts, it's the getting there, the in between.

Many have contested to that though. Maybe I agree with them at some point. Personally, though, it makes finally reaching the finish line so much sweeter and fulfilling if you've been through heaven and hell to get there.

From Here to There, I am lost. Lost in a pool of so much to-dos, and so much plans, and lost in so much thoughts and possibilities.

From Here to There, I can see only so much.

But from Here to There, I transcend time yet I am so real. This is my moment, my time and no one else's.


I have seriously considered "abandoning" this blog not because I've lost interest in writing but because my blog has slowly become so distant, to the point that even I felt alienated from my own blog. A few friends of mine, Sey and Reuter, to name a few, have made me reconsider my intention. So I'm giving this another shot.

For the first time in months, I'm once again broadcasting my thoughts and feelings to readers who may scrutinize me, judge me, or scorn me...or otherwise but to their criticisms and conclusive comments, I pay selected attention to. What affects me more is how I begin to appear so vulnerable and so transparent in the computer screens of many I don't know. It's both exciting and scary. Exciting because this, for me, is my way of getting out there and making myself heard. It's an opportunity for me to voice out my views and to hear of what others have to say. Scary because the possibility of revealing a "version of chesca" is so real that people may come up with preconceived notions of me without actually knowing the real me. And if you think about it, it's sort of unfair on my part.

The "real" me is a tough topic to handle. Even I it don't know the real me. In psychology, I constantly assimilate and accomodate myself in terms of knowlegde, experience, and insight. One thing's for sure---I have changed. Maybe not for the best but for the now.(Forgive my brevity. I warn you, this will be one loooong entry and I advise to stop if this doesn't sound like your thing.) For the now because this attitude and outlook I am adapting at the moment is what is MOST appropriate for my situation, at this point in my life. The best word perhaps to describe it is aloofness. The kind of aloofness that entails a detachment from being too maudlin, or being too dependent on people. I've learned that getting too attached would only lead to one's downfall. Having said that, the famous psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, also believed unhappiness is a result of refusing to let go of memories. And these past few months, I've done nothing but hold on desperately and pathetically to memories. The kind of memories that make me smile and cry and make me wish that the world would simply stop because I willed it to do so.

So now I'll just sigh and say this entry ends here and conclude that ultimately we have, in one way or another, tried to stop change, to be gods of our destiny. But change knows no one and submits only to Time. We may be masters of our actions but we can only control so much. It is such a paradox for us, the human race, to be catalysts of change in trying to stop change. What we often fail to realize that in the attempt to stop change, we change change therefore producing change unintentionally. The inevitable.

So, I'm keeping my blog. Apparantly it loves me! :P

Happy belated birthday to...

Well, actually there are three of us namely Charlie, Dimuffin and me. :) Yep, we just celebrated our respective birthdays and I would like to thank everyone(Candz & Lauren...luv u..:P...seriously, Kewlz: thanks!:D and Charlie: happy belated b-day and thank u!) who greeted me, I indeed had a wondeful birthday. Anyway, I'm still ALIVE. I'm certainly not dead. There. I've made my point. Okay so, I'll give you an update of what's been going on with me these past few weeks:


Tidal Wave

Now that I'm done being fourteen, and done with all the violin lessons I was giving (Yes, my violin coach asked me to teach some of his students over the summer. Hey, at least it's better than baby-sitting!:P),I madea whole checklist of things to do. Make all these schmaltzy thank you cards, clean my room, catch up with friends, make a scrapbook, travel...etc etc. But I ended up doing only a fraction of that so-called to-do list. Though, ironically, I ended up getting more than what I bargained for. And only now am I recovering from everything, from the Starbucks nights to the early mornings at Somethin' Fishy.

I'll spare you overly-analyzed details but I will share my recklessly candid thoughts on these past events...

When you feel like you're leaving this certain period in your life (Yes, I'm talking about how my life has been when I was fourteen.) you tend brace yourself for the impact. The impact of something totally uncertain and possibly foreign. You're psyching up yourself to expect the unexpected (i.e. The Worst), you try to futilely make some sort of feeble sense of the little information or knowledge of have of the what's-to-come. You struggle, perhaps. Not the sort of struggle that entails the clashing of fists and all that but maybe the sort of turmoil that happens in the heart and in the mind. Emotions that refuse to be understood. Thoughts that simply cannot rest. I guess biologically, that's how we were built. To be on our toes, to be alert, to be ready. But the question still lingers..."Be ready for what, exactly?" Ahhh, the anxiety and innate curiosity the future brings.

Drawing a mental picture, it seems that you try to protect yourself from the looming Unknown but at same time, you render yourself utterly vulnerable by trying to take in everything. Unfiltered. So real. In motion. And there you are in middle of two seemingly opposing forces. And there you lay more perplexed. And that is how I feel. So overwhelmed. Like a tidal wave. That in one swift encompassing motion, stuns me. Drowning. An overkill.


Free of regret.

And in processing everything that's happened, I've come up with fragmented happy pieces. And the giddy emotions and the vivid memory re-makes. But for sure, in my moment of drowning, in that moment of confusion and shock, I've learned to love even more, to give more generously, to live more passionately, to laugh even louder, smile more sincerely, and to hope unrelentingly because on my way to recovering those little bits and pieces, I've become someone I've never thought I could be at this point. More mature perhaps. But definitely, someone braver who'll face the Unknown with the knowlegde that I'm living the way I wanted to be.

In the middle of all this hum-drum, I'm happy I lost myself somewhere.

Tomorrow may be crap. But I've come too far, why stop?

Never Meant to Last

First of all, well,......I'M BACK!!! But not for long, my exams are still coming up and I really need to review if I wanna pass...

Anyway...hmmm...Ok, someone asked me to write an entry with this title. I'm not so sure though if it was 'meant to last' or 'made to last'. Sorry hehe...

Anyway, for me to come up with an entry with such title, I had to wait for the right moment which included thoughts or experiences that made the title meaningful and coherent. So here it is.

Well it's a fact, everything is so temporary. So fast and fleeting, from the breaths we take to Time itself. The moments we futilely try to hold on to, the people we try so hard to keep, thoughts that keep racing through our heads, emotions that are just so volatile.

Maybe, I'm in the best position now to talk about impermanence. The kind of impermanence that involves the uncertainty of what I'll be doing hours from now, days from nows, months, and even years from now. Everything is just hanging so precariously. Like in Limbo.

 And the unpredictability of Tomorrow drives me crazy! Reflecting on the how Time can be so hypersonic and how change is so inevitable, I realized that we're powerless to change certain situations and cirsumstances but we CAN do something within the context of time, the attempt to encapsulate, to capture moments and make them real, to make them count and not allowing them to become some hazy blur of color, perhaps artistically beautiful yet remain undefined and muted nonetheless. We try to hold on, I try to hold on. Like I wrote in a prayer for **** "Teach me to let go of both what I have and don’t need that open palms receive Your blessings"...there is bound to be something or someone who'll make you see the moments that are spectacular and alive and not as something transitory and vanishing. Instances that'll teach us that letting go is not a sign of helplessness or inability but a mark of courage and our capacity to hope and have faith.

"Change is choice" goes this month's Metro magazine editorial. I couldn't help but nod and grin upon reading that line. To an extent, we still have the capacity to choose what we change unwilling to let the uncertainty of the Future get to us.

Maybe tomorrow...

I'll bag the best job ever

Maybe tomorrow...

I'll discover a hidden talent of mine

Maybe tomorrow...

I'll fall in love

...because I choose to see what the maybe-tomorrows may bring over the bland impossibility of despair.

I choose to act lest hope becomes half-hearted possibility.

Real Real

A couple of days ago I was walking walking walking when I saw this guy giving away flyers for a certain fastfood joint, he was also wearing this goofy-looking outfit with a promo( i forgot what it said though)...and I thought he looked pretty, well, embarrassing. And said to myself I hopefully don't end up with a job like that. I caught myself quick enough though before I transformed into this totally stuck up tackless person who had no regard for people making an honest living.

I realized how judgmental and shallow I was.

I felt really bad. And mean and so grrrr...It wasn't the giddiest of feelings, Im telling you.

And I thought about it more, being the overanalytical geek that I am. I realized that I envied them. Because they had courage and dignity, and because they were being real, I guess. In a way, I wish I had the guts and the confidence to parade in a awkward looking get-up and pass out flyers to students reputed to be snobs or "rich kids" or "super smart kids"...blahh blah blahhh...I wish I could be real sometimes. You know, the kind real of you are when you're in the shower singing at the top of your lungs. The kind of real you are when you're with your best buds, holding burp-fests and pigging out. Or the kind of real when you're sitting alone and taking it all in.That kind of real.

No pretentions, no facades.

Definitely no exceptions.

Those people, WOW, I envied them and that they went through whatever humilation, rejection, or ridicule thrown at them to earn for a living. I envied the fact that they didn't give up or give in. That they still managed to smile. The fact that they somewhat let go of whatever apprehension they had.

I don't know if I make any sense. I'm weird that way.

But this day made me realize (ok, this part may be irrelevant) that nothing should hinder us from being who we want to be, from being who we want to be with, or doing what we want to do as long as it's dignified and proper.Bottomline: As long as it's right. And yeah, I've learned a lot about integrity and about being strong. And these thoughts today, they came in handy.

What I've Learned Today

I think we are born to be other-seeking beings. After all, we do live in a society that comprises of individuals inevitably interacting with one another. Whether we like it or not, I think that we are not built to live in total, absolute seclusion. Maybe that’s why we seek friends, acceptance, we yearn to travel, or learn a new language, or express emotions such as anger and hate and their counterparts. Maybe that’s why love is always a central theme, the reason why we seek to be with that person

But, as someone has once so pessimistically told me, at the end of the day we have no one but ourselves to count on. And maybe it’s not just some bitter bout of words but a stingingly cynical reality. Or for the optimists out there, a genuine opportunity for self. A time for “me”. Which ever way you’d like to put it.

And these past few days, I’ve been so caught up in my activities and in all my school work that when my world suddenly stopped spinning for just a nanosecond, I found myself alone in the middle of all the noise and the hustle and bustle and people. And I felt sad. For no apparent or logical reason. That made me think whether I can actually be lonely in a sea of people I know quite well, whether I can actually be lost in the familiarity of my everyday. It felt so blah and well, s**tty. I felt like a drone and I realized that I’ve been feeling this way for the past weeks. Sloppy and so dead. True, I’ve been so tangled up with the things I do and chose to do but I couldn’t help feeling an indistinct hollowness. I realized that I missed being busy with the things I enjoy doing. The sheer high I get, for that giddy feeling, the adrenaline rush, and the contentment you can’t get from doing a chore in a to-do list. I miss jogging under the stars, I miss late night calls, I miss talking to mom about those crushes of mine, I miss reading a good book of my choice (not some class requirement), I miss playing video games with my sister. And being busy with those things is unlike any other busy feeling, it’s a kind of busy that you’d rather be busy with always. I miss being un-alone.

Today, I walked home (another thing I love doing) and I felt aimless. Like I wanted to do something, like go to the mall, or hang out with a friend yet I didn’t feel up to it. Weird. I ended up texting a good friend of mine and things got a tad clearer. A jog also helped. And maybe there are times that we are meant to feel alone because somewhere in that lost feeling we get to understand little by little ourselves and what is and who are important to us.

The Mundane

When I was a kid, I used to think everyday happenings were so automatic. As if everything followed a strict schedule. I used to think the sun would rise at an appointed time without fail or that my mom would promptly arrive everyday at this particular time. Was I at a lost when I realized that the sun didn't shine one day with the clouds lazily drifting above. Was I at the brink of tears when my mom had arrived hours late.

We've become so used to things. Life becomes all too predictable. The mundane. But what I've come to discover that the mundane isn't so bland and so ordinary, after all. In the mundane, we find the out-of-the-ordinary. Try spotting a dot or even a speck in a sea of lines. Lines seem to go on forever, well in fact, they do just like the experience of the mundane but once that speck finds its way into the world of lines, it'll instantly stand out. And it is precisely because of the everyday things that we learn to distinguish and identify what's so noteworthy. It is because of the mundane that we learn to appreciate the beauty of things.

In retrospect, you'll realize something you've probably known all along, perhaps in the back of your head, that yesterday wasn't at all like today although you've done the same things, the same chores, the same errands, the same schedule. But the difference lies not in what you do but HOW you do it.

I'm a fan of making moments count.

I think life's too long a trip. Too long that it simply gets boring after a while. Same old stuff. And that's where the challenge lies, finding ways to make the trip a tad more fun.

The mundane. Who would've thought that because of it life becomes even the tiniest bit meaningful.

Happy Holidays!

Hi guyz! This isn't any of my "usual" blog posts but its the holidays so, just go with the flow!

What'cha guyz got for christmas?! Well, here's the list of presents I received:

~2 CSI books from my best friend Kathleen (Double Dealer and Cold Burn)

~ CSI board game from my aunt ( I so love the UV thing!)

~ CSI: NY s2 DVD, a DNA lab thingy and a very very cute Papillon puppy (I called her Miki!) from my parents

~ CSI s2 and s6 DVDz from my cousins

~ And lots and lotsa clothes and perfumes and handbags!

So, I guess that's about it! And I really gotta go cause we're gonna go watch some movies! (Candz, I suppose you know Enteng Kabisote 3!)

Speaking of you, Candz, here's the name game you wanted us to try:

C- Truly believe in love

H- Someone everyone loves

E- Has a nice ass :shock::shock:

S- One of the sexiest people alive..again..:shock::D:lol: ...seriously?!

C- Truly believe in love

A- A banging kisser

For everyone else who wants to try:

A- A banging kisser

B- Fun when it comes to meeting new people

C- Truly believe in love

D- Have a big heart

E- Has a nice ass

F- People totally adore

G- Deeply believes in love

H- Someone everyone loves

I- Popular with all types of people

J- Like to try new things

K- Has a nice butt

L- People think your fine

M- Never let people tell you what to do

N- Very Funny

O-Like to have a good time

P- Have a big warm heart

Q- Good in bed

R- Very good personality and looks

S- One of the sexiest people alive

T -Really laid back

U- The best in bed

V- Not judgemental

W- Hated by many, confronted by few

X- Success comes easily

Y -Has problems trusting people

Z- very broad minded



I always find myself wishing a lot these days...Wishing that there'd be no classes, wishing I'd lose 10 pounds! or even wishing that the day would come to a close (rest time!!!) and that there'd be no quiz. Those simple wish wish wishes.

I'd like to believe that if you wished really hard, whatever that wish was would come true. Like some greater being would hear your thoughts and realize you needed a break. But, as my friend cautioned, you should be careful of what you wished for. So true.

You know the common saying that when you're in love all your stored up wishes start coming out or something like that? I think it's true. And you cant help but keep on wishing. Wishing you'd bump into him, or that he'd notice you, or wishing he felt the same way.

But you have to realize that wishing can only take you so far. It should come with faith and reason. Also, the courage to accept what you cannot change. Because sometimes no matter how hard you wish, it just doesn't come true for a gazillion possible reasons all leading to one thing: it wasn't meant for you. After you've exhausted all your effort, and time, and energy, and have invested so much emotionally, you have to realize and convince yourself that maybe, just maybe there's something greater.Acceptance. Or maybe the timing wasn't just right.

My friend was so true when she told me that timing was everything. I think I'm starting to believe that. But here I am, a constant dreamer yet cynic, hoping against hope, wishing against the odds that things would go my way because all my stored up wishes are running out...

Of blank stares and loud noises

She loved simplicity found in the most intricate of designs. The irony in it and the swirl of unbounded possibilities found in a solitary and swift pattern of awkward strokes and blurred vivid colors made her marvel at how such complexity could seem so simple yet infinitely so beautiful. She had sought solace in such things of “simplicity”. In a throng of people, she would stare at crevices or at filth in the concrete pavement, deep in thought. Seemingly an escape from the reality of human life. But in truth it is not an escape. For the fact that she knows that such refuge does not exist. It is a mere pause. A breather. Nothing more. Eccentric she may indeed seem to you, but aren’t we all? Unknowingly. Unconsciously. Unaware. You may see her as a person of depth or of great philosophical intellect or you may see her otherwise. Either way, she is simply a person who questions the “what ifs” and “how comes” and the difference between great love and simply love, why happiness is irrelevant to wealth and its relations and the truth behind altruism and if such a phenomenon truly exists. In her fleeting sense of silence granted to her by her listless face and unwavering eyes, a state of ostensible blankness. She gathers her thoughts and wraps them up, tucking them away for next time. She clutches her favorite, worn out, supposedly old-school bag and heads to her destination. With a hurried pace and big strides, she is obliquely aware of her surroundings. But her senses are keen. Yet she knows all too well that sight or sound is not enough without intuition. In the bustling streets of the metro, camouflaged as innocent city-goers and passer-bys are the sly and quick pickpockets and the devious murderers and fellow sinful men. Yes, our world wouldn’t be our world if it weren’t for those people. She passes beggars and tattered stands and shops that used to look like shops, she spots jeepney conductors shouting out indistinguishable names of places and tricycle drivers waiting in line for their next passenger, she passes convenience stores and eventually passes by fast food chains like Mc Donald’s and Jollibee, she passes a bookstore and a posh beauty shop and expensive coffee cafes. The view of the former tattered stands fade into the distance and high rise condominiums loom into view, casting shadows on the stores below. Flashy cars are parked in the pay parking areas and coffee shops. All the hustle and bustle are muted as she thoughtfully looks around and gives out a sigh.

She makes herself comfy and gets her favorite music device out of her cluttered bag, puts on the earphones and flips it on. She drowns herself in the sounds of “Hands Down” and hums along. To the dismay of the person beside her who looks on disapprovingly at the so-called ghastly and unbearable already muffled sound her music device emits. But she pays no heed to the person’s glare. She knows that she does no one any wrong by playing music with earphones on. The rhythm pulsates through her ears and soothes her frayed nerves. The loud noise of the outwardly distasteful and blatantly lurid music of her player drowns the loud noise of the dissonant and discordant music of the world.

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