Okay, I SERIOUSLY missed blogging. Everything about it, so I decided to come back and be resurrected. Haha. And may I just say I missed each and every one of the friends I made here in this site. Hopefully, we can keep in touch again. And now I'm ranting. Anyway, back to my blog...and my life..:)
[From Here to There ]
I want to take the most breathtaking photographsI want in to swim in the sea without caring about the damn sunburn
I want to travel to each of the seven continents, go to the Killing Fields in Cambodia, visit Singapore, tour Spain, fall in love in London, enjoy the food in Greece, go ice fishing in Alaska, shop in Paris, appreciate Australia, take a train to Germany, enjoy the African wildlife, watch a football game in Korea, chill in Brazil, you get the picture...I want to see the world!
I want to go to Med School and prove to myself I can and will succeed
I want to learn to fly a plane
I want to learn to speak Spanish and Mandarin
I want to be the best ate and the ideal daughter
I want to learn to control my temper
I want to be more than fine, more than dandy, more than great
Because right now, I'm here, standing in the starting line, wondering how far I can run, I can take in, I can appreciate, I can taste, I smell, I can breath before I break into a run, half-sprinting for the finish line.
Because even though we often do not notice, we walk by Everyday so fast. Too fast. Without really getting anywhere so quickly. I realized I'm still close to where I started 15 years ago, my life still before me with so much to do, so much to see, so much to live for. I refuse to acknowledge that complacency of convincing and patting myself on the back for being where I want to be. Although I am thoroughly enjoying myself right now, I refuse to accept that this is as good as it gets.
I want to be one of those people who say with confidence that this is it. I want to say with an honest smile that "at this moment, I am content", that, as gruesome as it may sound, I could die at this very second with no regrets or bitterness.
I may not be able to do all those that I want to do, but at least I can say I never gave up, I tried, because that's where the secret lies, in the will and optimism and attitude to finish what's been started. It doesn't matter whether you cross the finish line unscathed, what matters, for me, is how much you've matured, you've learned, and even loved along the way. And maybe what enters to many of your minds at this point is the old folk saying that it's not the end of race that counts, it's the getting there, the in between.
Many have contested to that though. Maybe I agree with them at some point. Personally, though, it makes finally reaching the finish line so much sweeter and fulfilling if you've been through heaven and hell to get there.
From Here to There, I am lost. Lost in a pool of so much to-dos, and so much plans, and lost in so much thoughts and possibilities.
From Here to There, I can see only so much.
But from Here to There, I transcend time yet I am so real. This is my moment, my time and no one else's.
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