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Real Real

A couple of days ago I was walking walking walking when I saw this guy giving away flyers for a certain fastfood joint, he was also wearing this goofy-looking outfit with a promo( i forgot what it said though)...and I thought he looked pretty, well, embarrassing. And said to myself I hopefully don't end up with a job like that. I caught myself quick enough though before I transformed into this totally stuck up tackless person who had no regard for people making an honest living.

I realized how judgmental and shallow I was.

I felt really bad. And mean and so grrrr...It wasn't the giddiest of feelings, Im telling you.

And I thought about it more, being the overanalytical geek that I am. I realized that I envied them. Because they had courage and dignity, and because they were being real, I guess. In a way, I wish I had the guts and the confidence to parade in a awkward looking get-up and pass out flyers to students reputed to be snobs or "rich kids" or "super smart kids"...blahh blah blahhh...I wish I could be real sometimes. You know, the kind real of you are when you're in the shower singing at the top of your lungs. The kind of real you are when you're with your best buds, holding burp-fests and pigging out. Or the kind of real when you're sitting alone and taking it all in.That kind of real.

No pretentions, no facades.

Definitely no exceptions.

Those people, WOW, I envied them and that they went through whatever humilation, rejection, or ridicule thrown at them to earn for a living. I envied the fact that they didn't give up or give in. That they still managed to smile. The fact that they somewhat let go of whatever apprehension they had.

I don't know if I make any sense. I'm weird that way.

But this day made me realize (ok, this part may be irrelevant) that nothing should hinder us from being who we want to be, from being who we want to be with, or doing what we want to do as long as it's dignified and proper.Bottomline: As long as it's right. And yeah, I've learned a lot about integrity and about being strong. And these thoughts today, they came in handy.