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*sokerchick Blog

New Show that I'm Watching

So I finally gave in and decided to find out what all the hype was about. I started getting season 1 of Heroes on Netflix. OMFG! This show is an amazing blend of a comic book style and an exciting character drama (not to mention that Milo P... can't remember his last name) plays one of the characters on the show.

So I'm totally hooked. You all know where I'll be monday night!

Death of a Show

Unfortunately one of my absolute favorite shows, Gilmore Girls, came to a close this season. In a time when crappy reality television is polluting the channels with endless drivel the loss of a well written, witty show is very sad. Made all the more personal because this is a show that brought moms and daughters together.

A smart, fast paced show I watched every new episode with my mom going so far as to tape them while I was away at college and watch them in mini marathons when I got home on break.

So salutations to the cast an crew. Good luck on all your future efforts and I'll be purchasing every season on DVD so don't worry Star's Hollow is only a click away!



I can't possibly be the only one absolutely excited about the prospect of him getting a dog. The trials associated with training a dog alone will lead to some hilarious moments. Also, with all the love he lavishes on Steve McQueen think of a dog. The chance to see House let out the little kid by playing with a dog is so awesome!


Brand Spankin New

Hey all you out there who have enough free time to read this :-P Just want to say hi. I'm brand spankin new to this arena but I hope to be lurking around the forums and such. Sokerchick is a screen name i've had for a while. It was supposed to be soccerchick but alas someone had already taken it and thus the birth of my oddly spelled screen name.

If you can't already tell I'm a huge fan of the show House. In fact the current plan is that as soon as I graduate college I'm getting a black lab puppy and his name will be House. My friend has a cat named Wilson in the works as well :-D

I love fanfic and have dabbled in it under the author's name Sokerchick over at So pop on over there if you want to have a read. I'm also moderator of a C2 community over there called the House of Wump.

Other than House I love Law and Order SVU, OZ, seasons 1-6 of Stargate (when RDA was in it and good), seasons 1-4 of West Wing (when Rob Lowe was there and the writing wasn't crap), seasons 1-7 of X-files (when David Duchovny was on before he got abducted) and seasons 2-7 of JAG (When Catherine Bell was on the show and it wasn't all about ship). Gilmore Girls is a show I absolutely adore and still watch.

Hmm. I also used to watch ER, Due South, SportsNight and a few others.

Anyway if you've made it this far drop me a line I'd love to chat.