Time travels are a recurring question in sci-fi shows and movies. But scientifically, is it possible ? In our daily life, we consider space as a volume (three-dimensional) and space as linear (one-dimensional). If space is linear, then the past happens before the present, and the present happens before the future. In such a case, we should make a difference between travelling into the past and travelling into the future. Travelling into the future is possible : we are all the time doing so. Travelling faster is easy would be possible if we had the energy to go at the right speed. Travelling into the past is simply impossible because it would change the past. There would have to be a first time, which would make two futures. But two futures can not exist physically in the same universe. Now, if we consider time as a volume, then we could consider than every event is present at the same instant in spacetime, so in this case, travelling in time would be (virtually at least) possible.
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