DS Animal Crossing VS. Astro Boy 1980's Series DVD Collection
by *stoogefreaky on Comments
Which one won?!:D You guessed it! Yesterday, after we picked up my brother, we went to Best Buy to see if they were carring Animal Crossing. We found out that Best Buy was never going to sell that game any more. I was mad! Everyone has that game and I don't!:x Well, we walked around the store and me feeling all mad, I kept telling my dad "Can we go now." I was stock, bored, but then... as we walked around where the DVD's were, I spot a red box with a smiling head. "Could it be." I ran to it and was jumping with joy!:D It was the 1980 version of Astro Boy, complete edition, man! And we bought it:D! I watched the first four episodes and was blown away! OMG! OMG! Its way better than the last complete series of the 2003 Astro Boy! It also has special features. Way more features than the black box! ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen the extra stuff but whats so cool about this set is you can watch the original Japanese version with English subtitles. How cool is that!?!?! Let me read to you what this baby has: * 51 half hour episodes in English * Alternative Angle Opening Storyboard Sequence * Original Character Art Gallery * Textless Opening and Closing Sequences Featuring Song Subtitles and Original Japanese Songs * Original Manga Cover Artwork Gallery * Merchandise Gallery * Japanese vs. English Episode Comparisons(Deleted Scenes) Featuring Exclusive Footage From the Original Japanese Episodes with English Subtitles * Character Profiles * And an Exclusive 24 Page Booklet!!!!!!! I love this series more than the new one now. Its more dramatic and it shows how Tobio dies. Another cool thing, it seemed like the humans in this story are more harsh to Astro. Astro also can eat food and it shows how Astro gets his red boots! The humans treat Astro as if he is just a robot. It was only the first four, I still have along way to go! Sweet!!!!! I guess getting Animal Crossing will have to be another day.