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Extreme Astro Boyiee

Its 2:05PM as I'm writing this blog. I'm also listening to Far Away Trains Passing By; bet you guys don't know this album, produced by Ulrich Schnauss. At the sametime I'm chatting with my cousin Ashley on Yahoo IM. She's interfearing with this blog quality time here.

Well, yesterday, my brother showed me these funny MegaMan videos made by average people. Him and I are so jealus! Where do these people get the eqipment to do such a thing. Don't have the link to show ya'll. I am planning to make a Astro Boy video. It won't be that long, its only to match this Termenator music.

My brother and I are still working on the Extreme Astro Boyiee storyboard! Talk about taking too long! Its only a hobby, nothing serius. Just to let you guys know, my brother is called Megalon on the internet. So Megalon started coloring this banner we're going to have posted on the our site. The banner will be Extreme Astro Boyiee. He tells me that this is impossible! I'm like what?! He was coloring one frame and realized how long it was taking him. But see, he was coloring a shot of the storyboard which is, of course, hard to color. There's still hope on this crafty cartoon. The animation will be done on printing paper, a clean surface, making it easier to crop within the lines. We also realized how complex this is, but all this stress is fun. I tell Megalon that we should pretend its the real deal; everyone has there own jobs.

In the first episode, only Dr. Elefun(aka Dr. O'Shay) and Astro Boy will be in it. Second epi, Atles will be there. Our cartoon is based off of the 1980s series, the characters that is. The story from the comic isn't. Extreme Astro Boyiee is like the behind the scenes and its a comedy. It will not be based off of the tv show or any of the comics! In other words, Astro can not fly because he is only a actor. Dr. Bouyton(aka Dr. Tenma) and his son Toby are veggitarians while Elefun love Mexican food. Trust me, my brother and I think it's so funny! So funny and fit for Cartoon Network Studios, we're not even sure if we should post it on the net. What if someone steals it and becomes rich and famous. Oh well...

Who will be the voices you say?: So far I'm playing Astro. For the other characters, I don't know. But even if it doesn't sound good, it will still amaze you.