I Feel Like A Nerd!:
by *stoogefreaky on Comments
I went to go buy a 'HTML for Dummies' book so I could learn how to make web pages. I know some of the basics that I got from school. I don't know about you but, I think making web pages is fun. Although there's alot of these codes and could get fustrating when typing in the codes and they don't turn out right. I started making a page and its in my computer right now, not on the inter net. I plan to put pictures that I've created and try to get some of my homemade movies on there. Then I would have my e-mail address so people could tell me what they thought of the site. I'll try to make it intrusting and not boring. I'm a student photagrapher so I'll have some great black and white pictures that I shot for school. I even have great softwares to aloud me to edit pictures. For Static Shock fans, I have made two movies and I have awsome screen shots, screen shots you'll never see any where else. All this will be on my web site in the future. Right now, its still in the developing stage. Then I would have to figure out how to put this baby on the inter net. Lets hope this goes well.