I'm back from Lubbock, Tx! Dudes, it was a long ride to get there! I feel like I've seen the entire state of Texas. There was tumble weeds, cactus, plateau, flat lands, cotton fields, lambs, cows, cotton fields, goats, horses, cotton fields, creepy small towns, old farms, cotton fields, oil pumps, those huge white windmills, a meat factory!(poor cows), Dairy Queens out in the middle of no where, cotton fields, white windmills, tumble weeds, cactus, cotton fields, oil pumps, country, country, country! That's Texas!
I've lived in Texas but I've never sees this part of it. Compare that to where I live right now, I pretty much live in the city. I felt bored and lonely and creeped out. We've came to towns that seemed to not have a grocery store around or anything. How do these people live?! Were is everyone?! The traffic?! I couldn't take it anymore! Name a store and I bit they don't have it! I mean, I thought Pflugerville was country but it isn't! Well, it is a growing city, town, whatever. And it's still growing! Pretty soon Austin is going to connect to us to make one huge city. I did see three Wal-Marts along the way to Lubbock, but no HEB's. HEB is a grocery store only in Texas.
When we went to go pick up my dog, I was happy to see good old Austin, the city. I was like, "Ahh, finally civilization!" I missed the traffic, lots of people, tall bridges, and my dog! She was staying with my grandma in South Austin, a getto place. Boy, was she so happy to see us.
I do have to admit, the country side of Texas is pretty. There were spots where a western movie can be shot. Cow boys and indians.
Okay, the reason I went to Lubbock was because of the robot compition, it was state. Pflugerville won third place out of 40-something teams, which is awesome. I am so proud of my brother, he's the one in it and he was the President. The robot was built to hang clothes on a clothes line and to take clothes off the line and placing them in the basket. Ours was only made to place clothes on the line. I'll give more details later, along some video of it which will be posted on my site. ROBOTS RULE!!!
Our hotel was clean, it was a Holiday Inn. The compition was held at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. I would never go to that school cause there is nothing there! I rather go to University of Texas in Austin.
If you ever want to visit Texas, I recommend you visiting Austin, San Antonio, Six Flags Over Texas(theme park) in Dallas(ride the Titan!), and the Space Center in Houston(I think).