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*suitelifefan73 Blog

Freaky Dream

Ok my dream was like this... therewere three somewhat alive sharks and i was going to bo funny soi stuffed myself into one and pretended i was being eaten by a shark and then it somewhat came alive and really started to eat me!!  Then i saw Maddie and London from TSL coming out of a helicopter and they were sailing on a small boat!! London had her zip code on her purse and i ripped off the 4 lol hahaha... then when i went home to tell my mom about my day she kept interupting because she was drinking pepsi!... and at the end i saw a gatorade bottle divided in the middle and half was gatorade and half was pepsi!.............................ok pretty funny but go check out Zack_Rules blog and post a comment!!!!

Brain Malfunctions!!!!

Gese i have so many retarted people at my school(not literally) Like my friend savannah shes notreally retarted but she can be slow sometimes! It's funny most of the time b/c she catches herself doing it! like one time she tried telling me something three times in a row and she's like " did i already say that" and everyone is likeYES! I dont mean any offense against anyone who does that b/c i do it to the same thing happened when i was talking to her!!!  Ok now i'm bored so lets talk about best friends do you have a best friend ok sorry i'm a little slow likei said in the title brain farts happen al the time so dont feel stupid if it happens!

Field day 2

hey yall field day was wicked awsome team c was the winner of it all and you should have seen their faces they looked really upset and frustrated oh well we whooped their butts and all thanx to our pep team zack_rules me and the other members who arent a member here!!!! ok so it was like this there was the 3 legged race,football toss, dizzy back,knockout,pin knockdown and scooter races and guess who won it " Team C" it was awsome first we won the 3 legged race because of yours truly then we won knockout thanx to zack_rules then thats when it all came to place all of our members on our team just started screaming " lets go tean c lets go" and we won the rest after that i was yelling my lungs out getting everyone we took up most of the gym so it was hard and then it was funny me and zack_rules ran up the team A isles and started yelling team c team c and they got so distracted that helped us win even more!!!! yeah  TEAM C ROCKS YALL


hey as you know i'm one of zack_rules friends!  i'm pretty simple to figure out.... so you probably think i'm blonde from my posts but no!  haha i am a lot different! if you want to find out more about me just read my posts and soon enough you'll figure me out!!!