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*super_impala101 Blog

its been so long!

okay i have not been here for awhile..... Yah! its SUMMER VACA!..... oh yeah! absolutly loved season two finale of Supernatural. ABSOLUTLY AMAZING.

Season 3 is going to awesome. not sure about those two new girls their introducing. wait and see i guess.

i know its short. so little time.

Virgina Tech shooting



 On the news this morning, I heard the most tragic news coming from Virgina. And if they're are people out there who don't know what I'm talking about, visit any major US or Canadian news website.

  I just wanted to say to those people who have been effected by the worst college shooting in US and North American history, that my thoughts and prayers will be with you. And I think its safe to say that the people in Canada also express their sympathy and campassion.

Im Back!

Amazing episode last night. Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile.

Again an amazing preformance by both Jensen and Jared.

Supernatural follows only one truly predictable pattern every time a question is answered, it is  satisfyingly but the answer again raises more questions. AHAHAHAH!

HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone out there.

I will just blabble about anything now. I am a huge sports fan.

 The Toronto Maple Leafs won there game against the Buffalo Sabres when half TO team is out because of injury. Play again tonight.

 Soccer (football) superstar hottie David Beckham is coming to North America. Will play one game in TO!

Wow huge sport column :)

I wish everyone out there a great 2007!

Amazing episode of Supernatural again. Can't wait for next Weeks epi. If you haven't rate the show and its episodes!

Well I guess Ill talk to ya later!


Just to let u know to all those Supernatural fans out there, Croatan will air Dec. 7. Love it if someone would give info on when the next epi will be up!


Crossroad Blues Part 4

Part 4

Dean is obviously stricken and he can’t hide it. The revelations are too much to take.

Demon- People talk about hell, they paint a cute picture, but the real thing? Not even close. If you could see your poor daddy. . .if you could hear him, the sounds he makes cuz he can’t even scream. . .you’d never have pulled a stunt like this. I could have brought him back for you.

As Dean can’t hide how hard she just hit him she tells him goodbye, wishing him a long life, as Dean asks her to wait. She walks away as Dean is shattered by what she just told him and he walks to a nearby picnic table with difficulty, slumping down onto it and burying his face in his hands.

We return to Evan’s study, leaving Dean alone in a broken world for the next few minutes, as Evan is so freaked out he can barely comprehend where he is. Sam is physically holding him inside of the circle as Evan fights against him in terror. Invisible claws rip through a nearby chair as pictures fall off the wall and shatter. It’s total chaos in the room as Sam wishes for Dean to hurry under his breath. Just then curtains are torn from the walls, taking the curtain rod with it, and the thing crashes through the window as it shatters into a million pieces.

We return to Dean as the demon looks over her shoulder to see Dean sitting there, utterly defeated. He doesn’t even look up as she turns around and approaches him to stand over him.

Demon- Oh, Dean.
(Dean looks at her struggling to get composure)
Demon (gently)- You didn’t call me here to bargain for Evan. Not really.
(Dean looks away, pained)
Dean (hesitantly)- So. . .could you really bring him back?
(The demon sits beside him, switching over into pure, sweet, saleswoman mode)
Demon- Of course I can. Just as he was. The way you dream him.
Dean- I don’t know. . .
Demon- He’ll live a natural life, the way he was supposed to. And you—you’ll have ten years with him before your time’s up. That’s a lifetime, Dean.

Dean nods and considers this. He stands up and the demon goes to follow, but she can’t. She’s stuck. She warningly calls Dean’s name as realization dawns on her and we see from a new angle that Dean has drawn a red X under the bench seat, placing four mojo bags like the ones in George’s doorway from each point of the X. It would seem that Dean has been baiting her all along, and the in spite of his pain he still has his wits about him, always the smart and savvy hunter before the emotional son.

Demon- How the hell did you—
(Dean gives her a hard smile)
Dean- What—how’d I know about Devil’s Bit mojo bags? I’m big into research. Worked better than I thought—Boy, you’re really stuck.
Demon- Let. Me up. Now.
Dean- Sure. Soon as you let Evan go.
Demon- I can’t break a binding contract.
Dean- And by “can’t” you mean “don’t want to.”
Demon- Dean. Let’s talk about this.
Dean- You know what? (he pulls out a rosary and holy water) I’m sick of talking.
Demon (worried)- What are you doing?
Dean- Sending you back to hell, lady.
Demon (quickly)- Forget Evan. Think of your dad.

Dean stops and thinks a moment then gets his head back in the game and begins chanting in Latin as the demon lets out an unearthly shriek.

We return to Evan’s study, as the shattered window showers the room with glass and Sam wraps his arms in his sweatshirt, the topmost of his customary many layers, using the fabric to shield Evan and himself. As pandemonium ensues around the room, the broken window lets in a draft and the Goofer Dust begins to blow away with the wind as Sam realizes that the circle is not going to hold.

We return to the crossroads as Dean continues his exorcism, playing in Sam’s shoes for awhile as he chants in Latin over the demon. She writhes in pain, yelling at him to stop and Dean pauses, dangling his rosary threateningly. She tells him in breathless pain that she will do it, anything that he wants, and he tells her to free Evan. We close off the demon’s furious and conflicted look.

Crossroad Blues Part 3

Heres Part 3

One more day! Yah!

As the brothers realize that soon George will be too drunk to carry on intelligible conversation, Sam urges him to think of who else spoke to the demon. George mentions a man named Hudson, and then reverts back to his rant about nobody being able to save them because they brought this upon themselves. He tells the brothers that he just “wants to take his medicine” and that he’s got lots of tricks, pointing to a braid of herbs on the table and two red mojo bags hanging over the doorway. He claims that the two bags are called Devil’s Bit mojo bags and that if the demon comes through that it will hold it for a “a hot minute”. As Dean and Sam try to convince him that they can save him, George is hearing none of it, instead choosing to wallow in self-deprecating misery as he tells the Winchesters to leave.

We find Dean at Joe’s Bar, at the dirt crossroads, during the day. It would seem that the Winchesters have hatched a plan to deal with the problem and that the eldest Winchester has taken the time to summon the female demoness, as we see her step to him with a smile.

Demon- I’m so glad you called.

(Dean takes half a step backwards, smiling back. The whole scenario looks like a flirtation dance, between two professionals.)

Dean- I’m just glad it worked.
Demon- (teasing) First time?
Dean- You could say that. . .
Demon- Oh, come on, don’t sell yourself short. (stepping closer) I know all about you Dean Winchester.

Dean reacts with surprise at hearing his name and his smile falters, he steps back again but then switches his infamous charm back on.

Dean- Well, don’t keep me in suspense, what have you heard?
Demon (sidling up to him in a seductive manner)- I heard you were handsome, but you’re just. . . .edible. What can I do for you, Dean?
Dean (deliberately scanning the area)- Maybe we should do this in my car, nice and private.
Demon- Sounds good to me.

As the demon and Dean walk they speak casually as Dean tells her the deal that he has in mind. He tells her that he wants to strike a deal to release Evan Hudson from his contract, but the demon refuses, telling him that Evan Hudson is non negotiable. As Dean informs her that he’ll make it worth her while he offers himself in Evan Hudson’s place. As this turn of events seems to take the demon off guard a private smile crosses over her face.

Demon- Well, well, well. (then) Like father, like son.

As we go off Dean’s shocked expression as the demon confirms his worst fear, we go to Evan Hudson’s study where he stands in the center of a circle, completely losing it. From Evan’s point of view the room is shaky, filled with the sounds of snarling and barking everywhere. He sees huge darting animal shadows in the doorway, coming right at him, and he sees a monstrous figure. The figure is Sam, but not Sam, facial features floating away from each other in a representation of evil. Sam instructs Evan to stay in the circle as the room tilts nauseatingly.

We return to where Dean is as the demon smirks at his discomfort. She mocks him, stating that he didn’t know about the deal that his father made for his life, and Dean steels himself and gets with the program. He reaches the passenger side door of the Impala and jerks it open and tensely gestures for her to enter. As she makes a comment about him being a gentleman, she spots the single arc of white chalk just visible under the Impala, hinting at a hidden drawing on the ground. She freezes and turns to him angrily.

Demon- You’ve got to be kidding me. A Devil’s Trap?

Dean doesn’t have a quick comeback to that, he’s been caught red handed as the demon goes on to call him stupid, stating that she could have helped him. Dean tries to smooth things over but she tells him that he blew it, not only for Evan Hudson but for himself, and as Dean wonders what she means by her statement that she could have given him what he needs she goes on to tell him that she could have given him his father. Dean stands steadily as he looks the demon in the eye, but she has hit a nerve with him and she knows it.

Demon- He’s all you can think about. You wake up and your first thought is “I can’t do this anymore.” You’re lit up with pain. It hurts so bad you think that it might be easier to just die.
(Dean tries to keep eye contact but has to look away because she’s absolutely right)
Demon- And the worst part is—You don’t even know.
Dean- Know what?
Demon- Where your dad is now.

Crossroad Blues Part 2 Spoilers

Here's Part 2: 

We go to a rundown apartment building as Dean and Sam walk through the halls, stopping at a door marked 4C. Sam notices a line of black dust laid out just in front of the door.

Sam- Look at this.
(Both brothers crouch down to check out the black dust.)
Dean- What is that? It looks like pepper.

Just then the door opens and reveals George Barrow, a sixtyish man with a weathered face holding a whisky glass and eyeing them suspiciously. George demands their identities and Sam straightens up while his brother keeps looking at the dust. Sam introduces them to the man but he replies curtly, telling them that he’s not buying anything and begins to shut the door.

Dean- I think you reached for the wrong shaker, George. Usually when you want to keep something evil out, you go for the salt.
(George freezes) George- I don’t know what you are talking about.

Dean holds up George’s photo from the crossroads and tells him “This”, and George’s eyes widen. Sam steps up, taking his reaction as an opening to further conversation, and tries the usual Winchester “we can help” sells pitch.

Sam- We want to help you.
George (hardening)- Help me what?
Sam- We know you’re in trouble. . . .
Dean (under his breath)- That you got yourself into. . .
(Sam shoots Dean a warning look but Dean ignores it)
Dean (contd)- So seeing that hellhound yet?
(Sam nudges Dean hard and Dean just glares at him)
George (taken aback)- How do you know about that?
Dean- We know a couple things. About what you did.
George- Then you know you can’t help me.
Sam- Okay—Maybe you can help us. One person’s already dead, maybe two. . .

Just then an older woman walks past, shooting the trio a look at the word “dead”.

Dean- Look, we can entertaining the neighbors, or you can invite us in.
George- Five minutes. Step careful—Don’t you disturb the Goofer Dust.

As Dean shoots his brother an incredulous look they enter the apartment. It’s obvious that George a drinker with a heavy alcohol problem, and a practitioner of hoodoo as his apartment is chockfull of mojo bags, herbs, and dog eared books. He also appears to be a genius artist; there are paintings everywhere drawn with a bold, skillful hand but radiating an ominous air of dark figures at crossroads, red eyed woman, hellhounds and hallucinatory faces. As George resumes his alcoholic tendencies they begin a conversation anew, without benefit of the neighbors eavesdropping.                                                              George- You boys think you know something about something—but not Goofer Dust? That’s about the simplest hoodoo there is. (He tosses a sack of goofer dust at Dean; Dean catches the sack and peers inside, checking out the strange powder) Sam- Hoodoo’s not really our area of expertise. But we’d like to learn. What’s it for? George- Keep out demons. Dean- Demons we know.

As Dean pockets the sack that George tossed at him, Sam wanders over and flips open a disinegrating notebook sitting on a side table. Inside are scribbled hoodoo spell recipes, including Hotfoot Powder, Summon to Crossroads, Reverse Jinx, and Devil Burn Paste. George reminds them that they have four minutes left and Sam goes back to stating that he and Dean want to help him. George replies by saying that his grandmother used to teach him things when he was a kid in New Orleans, and that she had said there were certain kinds of people who made the supernatural world their business and that could clean up a mess. George guesses that those people are the brothers and Sam acknowledges that fact. George comes back at him with “when a person makes their bed, they got to lie in it” and Dean tells him that isn’t really their philosophy, even though earlier he was pointing out that George made his own mess. George comes back at him, accusing Dean of thinking that he’s a fool, and then admits that he was a fool by calling the demon ten years ago. When Dean asks why he did it, George replies that he was weak and that everybody wants to be worth something.                                                                    George- All a person wants is to be worth something. Be good at something. Dean-Was it worth it? George- Hell no. Course, I asked for talent. Shoulda gone for fame. I’m still broke and lonely—Just, now I got a pile of paintings no one wants. And a burnin need to paint all the time. (then quietly) But that wasn’t the worst. It’s evident that George is already drunk and fast becoming drunker.

Sam (gently)- Go on. George- Demon didn’t leave. Stayed at Joe’s a week. Chattin. Makin deals. I tried to warn people, but whose gonna listen to an old drunk? Sam- How many others?George- Architect, that doctor lady. . .I kept up with them. They been in the papers. At least they got famous.

Hope u like!

Crossroad Blues: Major Spoilers!

For all those people out there who can't get enough of Supernatural, i got the episode synopsis. For those who don't want to be spoiled, don't read the rest of this blog. (i will post this episode in four parts.)


In this episode we find Dean and Sam dealing with deals made with the devil, so to speak, as they track down a female demoness taking the souls of people so far gone they are willing to do anything to get back on track.
The episode starts out in a juke joint at night; the atmosphere is moody with low lighting, the air hazy with smoke and reeking of cheap perfume and alcohol. Working class black patrons are dressed their best for a night out as they sit nursing drinks, but mostly listening to the best damn blues guitarist in history.

Greenwood Mississippi, August 16, 1938
Staring at the bluesman onstage, a 26 year old black man wearing a pinstripe suit, raked fedora, and radiating confidence as his fingers effortlessly pull at the strings of his guitar, is young and pretty Sadie. She watches him with the awe of a woman at a rock concert and he returns her attention with a knowing smile.
We close on the bluesman, lost in his music, when beneath the rhythm we hear the click, click, click, like claws on a hardwood floor. The bluesman hears the sound as well and opens his eyes, darting his gaze around but sees nothing. He returns to his music, thinking that he must be imaging the sound. The clicking sound resumes, an animal pacing restlessly, and the bluesman opens his eyes again, this time in fear as his fingers drift over the string on autopilot. It is clear that nobody else in the room can hear this sound. The audience, however, is starting to notice is odd behavior as Sadie looks up at the stage in concern. Suddenly the bluesman stops playing as a big, dark shadow erupts past the window. It is the shadow of some kind of large animal. He stops playing abruptly and lets the cigarette fall from his mouth as the audience erupts into confused murmurs. The bluesman tries to fight back his rising panic when he suddenly sees the shadow again through the window, coming closer to the stage. He freaks out and rushes off stage, heading straight for the door.
On a dark road a few moments later we see the bluesman walking, carrying the guitar by the neck as he steals panicked glances over his shoulder, listening for the noise. For awhile all he hears are his own footsteps, then that sound again, something rustling in the brush. The bluesman stops, listens, but hears nothing. He resumes walking and the sound resumes as well. This continues, he stops, it stops, he starts, it starts, when suddenly he hears a low canine growl and the bluesman panics again, dropping his guitar, running full out.
The bluesman hurls himself into his house and locks the door just as the animal throws itself to the door, clawing and scratching. The bluesman backs away in terror and falls to his knees as the animal continues its assault on the door. The animal stops scratching and starts throwing itself at the door, eventually breaking through as the chair smashes into pieces and the door flies open revealing---
Sadie, standing there with two men who just broke down the door, scanning the room worriedly and her eyes widen when she sees the bluesman, his hand wrapped around a bottle as his body convulses in a massive seizure. She runs to the man and sees the bottle, yelling at one of the men to get a doctor. The second man takes off as she pries the bottle from the bluesman’s hand and gives it to the first man. She begs the bluesman to stay with her and he grabs her sleeve. “Dogs” he says but Sadie doesn’t understand, so he tries again. “Black dogs” he says again, but this is met with more confusion as Sadie begs Robert Johnson to stay with her, but he is gone, his eyes rolling up into the back of his head.

We go to Mississippi dirt crossroads at night, ten years earlier, as the bluesman, younger now with a guitar strapped across his back and an anxious gleam in his eyes falls to his knees in the dirt, just as his song says. On soundtrack in the back we hear, “I went to the crossroads, fell down on my knees. . .” and Robert Johnson begins digging in the dirt with his fingers, dropping ritual items into the hole he’s just made. He covers the hole with dirt, sprinkling hoodoo powder over it in a circle. He waits and nothing happens, as the song fades away to the silence of the night. Finally he takes out his guitar and starts playing, horribly out of tune with unsteady hands; the end result would make ears bleed. He gives up and stands, turns around to see a beautiful woman standing behind him.

Bluesman- Holy—
Beautiful Woman- Holy? Not in the least.
(Her eyes flash red, revealing that she is a demon, and the bluesman steps back but then steels himself)
Beautiful Woman- What can I do for you?
Bluesman- I wanna, I want you to make me the best bluesman ever lived.
Beautiful Woman- I bet you do. You’re pretty awful. (then) I’ll require a payment.

We watch from the distance as the woman leans in, speaking to the bluesman in low murmurs before he nods. She puts a hand on his cheek and we get close again in time to hear her say,

Beautiful Woman- Then we’re agreed.

As the bluesman wonders if they’re supposed to shake on it she pulls him in for a hot kiss, way better than a handshake and the bluesman doesn’t mind at all. As she pulls away she deliberately touches his hand where it grips the neck of his guitar and a shock runs through him as he looks at the guitar with new understanding. He moves his fingers over the strings, ready to play, looks up to find the woman is gone and he is alone on the crossroads as he begins to play.

In the present it seems that the Winchesters have already caught onto what’s happening as Sam narrows it down for us by stating—

Sam- So Robert Johnson sells his soul at the crossroads, records a bunch of killer songs about it, and the legend just keeps growing. I mean, everyone’s heard his story, right?
Dean- Well, he was important. Jimmy Page had a shrine to the guy.
Sam (thoughtful)- Basically, without him none of the music you like would even exist.
Dean- Yeah. I’d be forced to listen to all those angry chick singers you’re into.

Please comment. Hope u like! Tommorow part 2

(the spoilers i post are almost accurate. may have some changes)



The blogs i am going to post from now on will be a bout supernatural and hopefully some spoilers! Got this avatar was pretty cool .

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