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Week of October 29th, 2007

Hello, sports fans! Yes, I'm calling everyone sports fans now. If it's good enough for JD, it's good enough for me. How much does that strike suck? I support the writers, of course, but I hope that their demands are met sooner rather than later. Heroes is already considering their season finale - that's bad. And what's worse is, if we don't have regular shows, we have to watch reality TV. And that's just not cool.

Alright, here's the top of the week:

5. CSI: NY

As a shipper, this week annoyed me very much. But everything else was kind of awesome. Zombies? Curses? Voodoo? You gotta love Halloween. It's fun when the freaks and weirdos come out to play.

Let's start off Danny and Montana's case. An entire family down in one night? So it would seem, until crying behind a wall shows that the youngest survived. What with her claiming that a monster killed her, and the magical disappearing old lady with the frizzy grey hair, the case is shaping to be some sort of urban legend. But things aren't what they seem, of course, leading our detectives back thirty years to an unsolved cold case with another little girl who may not have been so lucky with their monster.

On the other hand, Mac and Stella's case was destined to become urban legend. A guy popped out of the ground. Just popped out. Like toast when the timer goes off. Just ... pop! I love forensic shows best when they give you the impossible and then solve it. It kinda makes me all tingly with the sheer coolness. Of course, this walking dead man was hardly dead in the first place, though he was certainly dead at the end of it, and he probably took his killers down with him. Most excellent.

Here's a question. There's been some debate on the subject, and I'd like anyone who wants to to weigh in. Right after Lindsay tells the sargent about the woman and the sarge strides off, Danny says "Lindsay." Does he say "Honey" after that? I thought I heard it, but I could be wrong. Sound off!

4. Chuck

The drop in this week was by no means the show's fault, merely the excellence of some others. This week was, in fact, wonderful. Points to Levi, especially - he had to do the sam non-trusting thing again, and still I bought it. He brings this quality to the character, this sweetness and struggle to make things right (partially the writers on that one), that I keep going along with it.

Oh, how I love it when the government has something crazy going on. Mad scientist in an underground lair? Wonderful! Planting bugs in lightbulbs and photo frames? Brilliant! Guy trying to blow up Texas? Well, it is where Bush is from, but I'm not mean enough to not be glad that it was too far for Mr. Trigger-Happy.

Best of all, though, was Chuck seeing himself in this guy. And it brings up an interesting element of this show. Right now, Chuck is pretty innocent, but he's also got his personal and undercover life seperate. I wonder if something will eventually happen to make him as bitter, if not as crazy, as Laszlo. It would be an interesting path for this show, and I hope it's around long enough to make that a possibility, even if they never go there. At the very least, let's hope Goldfinger makes another apperance.

3. Bones

What did I say about Halloween, huh? Scared to death is not good. Especially when snakes are involved. I HATE snakes. Who can blame that girl for freaking out.

Half of the happy, as usual, was Booth and Brennan. Sometimes this show feels too forced, like these two are being thrown together. In fact, they got a little too close at the end of the episode for my personal take-it-slow taste, but most of the time, it was great. Best moment: Brennan's gun being too big for her, something Booth pointed out last season. She looked so surprised to be wrong. This, of course, is rivaled by how Hodgins, Zack and Brennan kicked out Cam, Angela and Booth because they had to be given room to analyze. Classic squints.

Speaking of, the other half of the great was an appearence by the guest star of the month, Azura Skye. This was her second stop, after House but before Ghost Whisperer. Her PI, in conjunction with poor, frustrated Hodgela, had me laughing all episode long. And now I'm seriously curious about that husband of Angela's. Seriously, how hot can this guy be?

And if Angela doesn't want him, can I have him?

2. Grey's Anatomy

I can't believe I have to say this, but Gizzie was actually ... cute.

I'll deny ever saying that. But I don't know. That little beginning scene with the two of them almost made me think that them being a couple could work. I didn't hate it. And for the first time in a long time, their scenes together made me laugh, instead of making me cringe. I don't care what form that comes in. I just want to like them again.

Dr. Hahn is so going to be my new favorite. How awesome is she? Kicking a**, taking names, and butting in on the "Gentlemen's Evening." It did sound kind of kinky, didn't it? Plus, how much did the McDoctors look an overly-beautiful couple when they were talking to Hahn? Maybe that's what Shonda intended all along ... the only two men to get McNames, besides the fleeting McVet. Maybe it's a hint.

Callie and Mark, though? Priceless. Somebody needed to be on that girl's side. George holding on to that dress was endless hilarity. So glad he let go first. If that other woman had won, I would thrown something at my TV, swear to God.

Meredith has got to get a grip. Mommy in a bag one week, Derek problems the next. Girl needs a vacation. Now.

1. Pushing Daisies

Do I even need to explain? Ok! I will!

Lee Pace is my acting god. I have never felt sorrier for a grown man in my life. To think that his dad abadonded him for a new family at the same time he was dealing with his new gift and it's implications! Which led to a great scene with him and the aunts. Those two are starting to grow on me. And, eventually, they led him back to his investigation.

Another great thing about this week? Olive was involved! I hated that she was always on the fringe of everything. Plus, now Chuck has someone that's not her quasi-boyfriend and aPOed PI to talk to. Interesting fact, though. Chenoweth is a full ten years older than Pace. I knew there was an age gap, but wow. Kind of funny she's chasing him. Like amini Cougar. Heh.

And, once again, great mystery. The flaming horse was a nice touch. Not to mention all the women I know who were just like that mother. Like my mother. Except that mother liked her son, where I think my mom views me as more of an Olive. Oh, well. She was fun to watch, at any rate.

Now, here's the not-so-good:

3. Ugly Betty

Not up to snuff this week. You can't have good TV when it keeps getting interrupted by musical numbers. I love Wicked, I truly do. It's my second favorite musical, in fact (RENT being number one, of course). But it should not be mixed with TV, unless it's only used for a couple minutes. Not most of the episode.

Not enough Cliff, either. He skyrocketed to my fav character, and I have a feeling we have limited time with the guy. So show him more!

2. Smallville

Is this a soap opera or what? When did Clark become his cousin's baby sitter? And why do I feel as though I just watched some wacked out version of Full House? Good news, though - the previews for next episode look promising. Perhaps the characters will find some footing at last, and Clark will be the star again. Just a suggestion.

1. Kitchen Nightmares

As you can probably tell, I'm giving a show or twoI've never tried before a chance each week. This was the pick of the week, along with Samantha Who? Samantha I'm loving. This was intensely boring. Not doing that again.

Random pick:

Favorite Moment of the Week: JD's Kid, Scrubs

Scrubs has not been on it's game as of late. The comparison with Turk's baby being born last year to JD's proves it. The jokes were forced at times, and Turk wasn't there for JD when his kid was being born? Really? It took the news of pregnancy to get JD to spend a second away from Turk in his time of need.

Sorry, anyway. In spite of how I felt about the rest of the episode, it was so cute when JD's kid was born! I love the little thing already. And I'm glad that JD and Kim's relationship wasn't prolonged or bitter. It wrapped up nicely, which I hope will make JD open to other options. Not just dating, but getting used to being a dad as the center of his focus, rather than a screwed up relationship.

Alright, all done. I'm inventing a ranking system, actually, so I can be a little bit more fair about this. Also, any shot you guys know where I can find House epis? I can't blog it unless I see it, and I can't see it if I've got class. Thanks. I'm out!