So first: I do not have anything against old people, well, dont like them being slow but anyhoodle....
Some of them act like they own the world and the whole world has to be there for them. I mean, come on, they take themselves wayyyy to seriously and that just pissis me off.
And meanwhile they complain about the youth these days, like we are all trouble and all bad. Right, like hey do not bother us with their bad mood (I cannot help they are not having a good day or ther fake teeth are broken...:P )
I do not mind getting up in the bus for an old lady, that is normal and the polite thing to do, but when an old lady makes an entire bus wait for almost five minutes because her car is parked in the middle of the road because she is too lazy to walk.....come on, some serious boundries are crossed there,,,
Hahaha, just desturbed me today, checking your opinions,,,,
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