Yawn! I just woke up. It's 9:30 am. I'm starting to make friends and stuff which is always cool. I'm up to 50% on level 3. One of my submissions is pending as well. This site is really cool so far! I've been posting on the boards and writing reviews. I don't want Thursday to come-I don't want to watch The OC end. I can only hope that it ends the same great way it began, but the only thing stopping that is Marissa's death. I really think that if it were ending with her on it, it would complete the show more. Seeing all the characters in the end just like we did in the beginning. I hope they mention her, with the locket and all. All I know is I will be bawling Thursday! I'm really excited for One Tree Hill tonight. I do have to say-Nathan and Brooke look so cute together! But I'm a total Naley shipper. I feel so bad for Mouth too. I mean, he goes and loses his virginity and then the girl ditches him! Aww, poor Mouth! I've always been a Brooke/Lucas fan but Lucas and Peyton are cute together. It's hard getting my mind to wrap around them together. I like Chase, too. He makes Brooke nice(r). I am new to Smallville and am really liking it so far! Yesterday I watched this really good episode, there was this guy Earl, and he had the jitters. There was something under his skin from LuthorCorp that got there when he worked on Level 3. But now everyone says there is no Level 3. I really liked when Clark saved them and Lex was all 'how did you pull us up?' More recently, though, I want to know what's up with Lana's strange pregnancy and Chloe being meteor-infected! House isn't going to be on for I think 2 weeks but it should be good when it gets back. Dave Matthews is going to be on it. My dad likes him, lol. Gilmore Girls was good last night. It really bothers me how everything was out of place-with Mr.Huntzburger (sp?) and getting Rory to whatever newspaper she wants. I don't like that at all. But I really hope Luke goes with Loreali! They are destiny! America's Next Top Model starts in seven days! My friend and I have been scouting, if you will. We picked the two plus size girls, Diane and Whitney, and Natasha and Renee. Let's see how that goes... Comments!
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