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*trentrocks123 Blog

my returning

after 2 days im back


CHRIS:good morning campers. come down to the woods for todays challenge.

gwen:great whats he got in for us today

(at woods)

chris:todays challenge is like paintball deer hunt but all of you have guns and its laser guns


chris:put on these protective vests and glasses and eagles you guys will go out first

(a half hour later hunter,trent,and duncan are in a tree)

duncan:check it out its donnie,cody,and brian

hunter:lets get em

all 3: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


on confessional

hunter:ok yeah me,duncan,and trent have an alliance.but only to stay in.

off confessional

(after 3 hours the only ones left are duncan,lindsay,tyler for eagles and colton and macey for wolves)

duncan:we gotta be quiet to surprise them

lindsay:got it (a spider land on her)


(colton shoots lindsay and tyler duncan shoots colton and macey shoots duncan)

chris:the wolves win again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(at campfire ceremony)

chris:alright the marshmallows go to: duncan,hunter,trent,gwen,courtney,harley,kelsey,,carson

chris:and its down to tyler and lindsay

on confessional

courtney:looks like lindsays gone

off confessional



lindsay:its alright tyler.

tyler:lindsay you remembered my name(they kiss(


And here it is........ep. 3

now its time for episode 3


chris: Good morning campers

gerri: Ugh! why`d you have to wake us up so early!

brian:YEAH!whats up with that

chris:because of your next challenge

geoff:so what is it

chris:the tdi racing marathon!!!!!

owen:a what-a-thon?

chris: its where you run. all the way to the finish the end of the island.first team to have all there team members cross the finish line wins!

owen:nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!phisycal activities!noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

donnie: wait a minute wheres rudy?

hunter: uh he got voted off.


( at starting line 30 minutes later)

chris : on your marks get set go!!!!!!!!!


(heres the order of how the race is looking)

in front: carson (her hyperness bossted her)

behind her: colton,geoff,trent,brian,kyle,izzy,macey,and duncan

behind them:donnie,hunter,gwen,bridgette,tyler,harley,kelsey,andcourtney

behind them: cody,owen,lindsay,gerri

(suddenly cody is whipped in the air by a rope trap)

hunter:looks like you found my little present!

(at the finish line)

chris: looks lindsay finnaly crosses the finish line making the eagles the winners


bridgette:cody,owen,gerri where were you guys

cody:i got held up by a rope

gerri:im to pretty to run

owen:(hes seen a mile away still crawling) uh uh uh uh

(at campfire)

chris:i only have 10 marshmallows on this plate. one of you are going home tonight

in confessional

bridgette: i voted for gerri.shes gonna end up just like heather

izzy:i voted for cody.I CAN NOT LET OWEN GET VOTED OUT!!!!!!!!!

brian:i voted for that fatty owen: he could had at least tried to run.

off confessional

chris: alright geoff,kyle,brian,izzy,colton,macey,donnie,bridgette.leaving it to owen,cody,and gerri

cody and owen:gulp

in confessional

gerri: i know im not out cause i formed an alliance with colton and brian

off confessional

chris:gerri youre safe. so the final marshmallow........goes to.........cody



owen:its alright izzy you just be strong (they kiss)

chris: and so concludes another dramatic episode of total drama action


tda part 2

here it is part 2

ep. 2 brand new campers accesories included part 2

chris:now time for the teams


rudy and donnie:we better be on the same team

tyler:and you better not separate the couples

chris:alright team 1 color brown name soarin eagles members tyler courtney rudy gwen hunter duncan lindsay trent carson kelsey and harley


hunter:I dont even know how i got here my audition tape was of me mooning the camera for half a hour

gwen:well at least im on the same team as trent

off confessional cam

now team 2 color grey name howlin wolves mmbers owen brian gerri macey kyle cody geoff donnie colton izzy and bridgette

donnie: wait that means me and rudy arent on the same team

rudy:NO FAIR!!THATS CRAP!!!!!!

chris:to bad deal with it

at eagle cabin

hunter:so you want to go out some time

harley:uh not interested

hunter:come on

(fake dog doo pops out in his hand)


hunter UHHH that was supposed to be flowers

at wolf cabin

(gerri is holding a go out with gerri contest)

gerri:so kyle,cody,and donnie are out leaving colton and brian you guys will compete later

kyle:(to macey) well i still have you babe

macey(grabs his ear HARD)


chris over megaphone:report to the cliff for your first challenge on the cliff

trent:oh not this again

kelsey:uh whats the cliff challenge

at cliff

chris: alright since we couldnt think of anything all you have to do is have the most people on your team to jump to win. winners go to the tuck shop.

chris:first the wolves will jump

gerri:well im not jumping

macey:you better jump

gerri: too bad

brian:its all right ill jump for you

colton:no i will

brian and colton:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(after the jump the ones who didnt jump were only gerri)

chris:now the eagles!

hunter:alright ill prove to you im a good guy harley

( hunter jumps but his pants get ripped off by a rock he lands)

hunter:well at least i made it

gwen:i cant jump it

courtney:wait what! how come!

gwen:well my friends threw me a pool party after the first season and when i was diving i hit my head and had to go to the hospital

trent:its all right babe

rudy:im not jumping either

duncan:(grabs him) oh yes you are

rudy:not with out donnie

duncan:(punches him)

chris: well in since rudys not jumping the wolves win


hunter:oh sure im the only one who hws to jump

harley:well maybe that hunter guy is worth going out with

off confessional

(at camp fire ceremony)

chris:alright time to give out the marshmallows: hunter trent harley carson courtney lindsay duncan tyler

chris: now its down to gwen and rudy. whos it gonna be


gwen and trent: yeah!

hunter tyler and duncan:sweet man

lindsay courtney and harley:yay gwen

rudy:who cares i didnt want to be on a team without donnie anyway!


cool jokes

here are some jokes ive heard of

1. ever seen the movie constipation

it never came out

yo momma jokes

1. yo mommas like a doorknob everybody gets a turn

2.yo mommas like a bus shes big and stinky and you can pay a dollar to ride her

3. your mommas so nasty i asked her what she was havin for dinner and she spread her legs and said crabs

hope you liked em my friends went crazy laughing

my tda teams

here are the tda teams

soarin eagles

tyler(no skill jock)

trent(cool musician)

duncan( juvinile)

hunter(class clown)

rudy(weird guy)

lindsay(hot girl)

gwen (goth girl)

courtney( uptight girl)

kelsey( nice girl)


carson(hyper girl)

howlin wolves

owen (fat guy)

geoff(party dude)

cody ( nerd)

kyle ( country guy)

donnie(computer nerd)


izzy(crazy girl)

bridgette(surfer chick)

gerri (hot and smart girl)

colton(football guy)

macey(bossy girl)


This is part 1 of my tda

brand new campers accserories included

chris: Welcome to TDA where campers will get pushed over in intense challenges.Lets start this off with the returning campers.

tyler: hey chris whats u(falls off boat)

chris : ouch!

tyler:i know Owwwwwwww!!!!!!

chris:And next its lindsay

lindsay:oh my gosh are you ok taylor!

tyler:its tyler lindsay (they kiss)

chris next its cody

cody: I am gonna find me some ladies ow(trips)

chris: well good luck with that. And now its gwen

gwen: i dont know why i came back here

chris: well heres your reason now Trent!

gwen: Huh trent (runs up to him and kisses him)

trent:hey babe

chris: next its Izzy



chris: and now duncan

duncan:courtneys comin back right

chris:bridgette and geoff hey u guys still together

geoff: you bet we are (kisses bridgette)

chris: and now the last 2 returning campers owen and courtney!


duncan:courtney( both couples kiss)

chris: and now the new ones first the class clown Hunter! hey where is he?

(hunter jumps up out of the water and throws chris in)


Duncan: that was great man!


chris: ughhh! camper #2 is kyle the country guy

kyle: hey guys none of yall can beat me! i can ride a bull a full 8 seconds!

chris: next its gerri

gerri: I am perfect so you can bet im gonna win.

gwen: great a replacement heather.

brian: yo shes pretty hot to me

chris : hey brian!

gerri: finnaly somebody understands

chris: and now its macey

macey : WHOOOHOOOOO!!!

Kyle: hey babe

(macey grabs his ear)


chris: and its harley

harley: hey guys whats up

(hunter whispers to cody) well ive found found my girl

hunter: hey wait up harley

chris: colton whats up

colton:nothin much but you can bet me and my shoo muscles will win

gerri,harley,and macey:aaaaaaaaa colton

chris: next up is donnie and rudy 2 best buds

rudy and donnie: hey guys dont be bullies and dont beat us up

duncan:sure we wont cough totally will cough

chris: now kelsey

kelsey: hey guys

chris: and our last one carson

cody: hey babe



chris: tune in next time for the teams and the challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!