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I can't wait till Fall!!!

I can't wait till Fall comes back! I lot of new shows are coming and a lot old faves are coming back {Prison Break, Greys Anatomy, Medium}. I am really looking forward to that new Brad Garrett Show " 'Till Death" The promos are really funny and Brad Garreetts a comdeic Genious!! It might suck but I have high hopes also CW is doing that new show with Tye Diggs "another day" That show sounds pretty cool too, Its about a cop that wakes up one day and is found guilty for murdering a gang member but the next mourning he wakes up in the same exact day. The point is, each episode is him waking up in the same day trying to prove that he was framed. I know, I know sounds like it want work but the ideas pretty cool maybe they could pull it off.