Moved to my dad's house on Thursday. So far I like it. I don't plan on being here forever, but I wanted some place new and different.
I love living with my siblings now and since they are getting older, we get along better.
I'm trying to convert my sister into a PR fan, but I don't know if it will work. I tried showing her Lightspeed Rescue, but she thought it was lame. Hey, it's was they're playing on PRG right now.
I should have showed her a season that isn't labled as featuring the worst Sentai footage ever. I actually think that she will like MF if she gave it a chance.
I also let her watch QAF and BBM. She watched 110 and 122, the prom and hotel, um, yeah, bad me. She is 16 though! At least I'm trying.
I should try and get my brothers to watch PR they were big fans when they were little, but I feel more comfortable showing my sister. She just understands me more. Oh well.
Thanks for reading