Well, I wrote before that I had to pass my physics midterm in order to pass the class. Yeah, that didn't happen. So I did all of the homework twice and thought I studied really hard, but I still somehow paniced when I got the test. I knew how to do the first two, so I got those, but I didn't know how to do the last three. Looking back at the answer key, the problems were so easy, but at the time I thought that they were impossible. Everyone else seemed to do just fine, which made me feel even more terrible. I emailed my pharmacy advisor about my grade, and she said that if I failed to get a C or better in physics, I would forfeit my guaranteed admission into pharm school. Friday I just cried and cried, and my best friend and I kept saying how unhappy we were with our lives that week (she had a way worse week than I did though). I calculated that I just had to get at B- on the final to secure a C in the class, but I really didn't want all of my future career resting on one physics final. And with the way I've performed on physics exams, a B- actually seemed almost impossible. So, for the first time ever, I dropped a class. Hopefully I'll repeat it next semester, although at the moment I'm not registered for it. I have to take Microbiology next semester, and my lab is at the same time as the physics lecture. I have to switch labs in order to take physics, and at the moment all of the labs are full. Now I'm just hoping that someone drops over winter break, or wants to switch labs, so I can take physics in the spring. Otherwise, I'll be stuck taking physics a and physics b in the summer. That would really suck because that would be only give me two weeks off this whole summer. Ugh! What really gets me mad is that I'll never use physics in pharm school like I would use biology or chemistry. And I aced biology (was in the top 2% of the freshman bio class), made Dean's list my freshman year, made numerous honors societies, but I can't for the life of me pass physics. I just hate that it's this stupid class that can blow my whole career. If I had failed physiology or something, then I would understand how that would be a sign that health sciences was not for me. But it's physics! I can't figure out how to calculate the mass of a star and how far a skier will travel if the coefficent of friction is 0.75, and that is what is going to ruin my future. Well, hopefully I will ace it the next time I take it, and will go into pharm school with flying colors :?
In other news, I have a 12 page paper due tomorrow in my writing class and I am avoiding it at all costs. I already have 8 pages written, but I'm so tired of writing, that I really don't want to finish. It's not even for a grade. We have to turn in our drafts for our final paper so everyone can read everyone else's and comment on them. I guess the idea of getting roasted by the class on my writing isn't very appealing to me. Trust me, some people have really gotten destroyed by the class' anonymous comments, so I just don't want to sit through a session of my professor reading negative comments to me. He says that it helps us as a writer to get all of this feedback, but it just seems uncomfortable to me. Also, I got an A on my STATs midterm. I was joking over the weekend that I have two A's and one D. Lol, oh physics.
I'm thankful that I don't have anything to do this weekend. I have nothing due next week, so this weekend will be like my weekend off. I just get to gorge on all my favorite shows which returned after taking last week off. Actually, I have to proof read Ross's application essays by Friday, but that shouldn't be bad. I'll gladly help his application to SC because we both really want him to come here next year. Not like SC is his only option though. He has already been automatically accepted to UC Riverside, UC Irvine, and UC Davis because he is one of the top seniors in California. When I graduated, I had only been automatically accepted to UCR. I swear, that little smarty pants always has to top me in everything! :P
Song of the Day
It's a New Day by Will.i.am
Selected because: I love this music video