It's official. I am done with midterms for this semester. I had my last one yesterday afternoon. It was the final of 3 o chem. midterms, which means that it was one of the last chances for people to raise their grade in the class. One my of friends, Cory, hasn't been doing that well on the midterms and doesn't think that she can get a C in the class and still get into med school. She was so nervous before the test that she actually started shaking. I started getting worked up because everyone around me was in a state of panic. The grades got posted this morning. I didn't do as well as I did on the last test, I got a B, but then again, I only really studied for one night. I was supposed to do all the readings on Thanksgiving and Friday, but I ended up taking those two days off. I did my readings on Saturday and Sunday, reviewed a little Monday, and then studied all afternoon/night on Tuesday, so I guess I deserve that B.
After the midterm, I had a mo bio review session for an hour, which I barely could stay awake through. I got home at 6, and just collapsed on my bed. I intended to get up at 8:30 and start my 10 page comm. paper that's due on Tuesday, but I ended up sleeping until 9 and was still too exhausted to do any work. Since this is the first presidential election that I get to vote in, I've been trying to watch the debate and carefully decide who I like. I've watched 3 of the Democrats debates, but none of the Republicans, so I decided to watch the YouTube debate on CNN. I think watching the debate only helped solidify my belief that I won't be voting Republican anytime in the near future. I don't mean to offend anyone by what I say next, these are just my political views. Seeing a line of men, who are running for president, say that women should not be able to get an abortion in this country is one of the scariest things to me. Abortion, gay marriage, and global warming are all areas were I strongly disagree with the conservative base. I'm not even sure why global warming has been classified by some as a madeup Democrat issue when there is so much primary scientific literature to suggest that catastrophic changes are going to occur if something is not done to stop our current trend, but I digress. I do think it was good that I heard what the Republicans' positions were on the issues though. I would hate to pick a candidate without hearing everyone's views.
Now, onto some exciting news. I was at work this evening with about 4 other people who work with me, and our boss came out and said that she had 2 tickets to tomorrow's USC UCLA game for face value if we knew anybody who wanted them. Everyone just nodded and went back to work, which shocked me because I for sure thought someone would jump up and take them. I had really wanted to go to this game, but tickets sold out about 4 hours after the ticket office put them on sale. I tried to find some online, but they were about $200 per ticket, so I didn't think I would be able to go. Finally I went up to her and asked her how much they would be. She said that they were $70 per, but she is letting me have them for only $50! That was definitely the most exciting event of my week! I'm so excited because Jason and I get go tomorrow and see the seniors, one of the most accomplished classes in Trojan football history, play their final game at the Coliseum, and hopefully crush UCLA. I'm smelling roses in our future!