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Rent a car

Renting cars is a basic human need like eating or sleeping or trying on shoes.

We're like the minstrels of Ole. I think about these things. Okay we're like the minstrles of Ole going from town to town maybe singing maybe entertaining people. People need that the way they need to rent cars.

See, I think about these things in my off hours. What do you think about? You're not even here when you're here. Okay? I'm here, I'm double-ly here. There's two of me. I'm in the front I'm in the back. I'm working here, I'm helping them. Why? Because there's none of you.

Maybe you should just think "What can I do better? What could be better about me? About Stacey? Stacey who works at Lariet. Who works for Lariet I mean. Okay, Who is a Lariet girl..."