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It's monday again. I hate Mondays. Hate them. Brings out the worst possible side of me, it ain't pretty. Since I have sxc tuesday instead of sxc monday I don't even have that to light up my day... Weird thing is, today has been quite good so far. My first lesson started at 13.00 so I could sleep in really late and when I woke up my hair didn't look like a russ troll's (yay), in my world that is a great monday morning, it's a great morning any day of the week....
And PB tomorow morning, feels like it's only been a week since the last time I counted down the hours for the new episode was only a week ago...the f*cking hiatus is over:D:D!!!! So tomorrow morning I'll be up really early hoping that someone has been thinking about my sanity and uploaded it. Last week wasn't pretty, I didn't find an uploaded John Doe I could watch until around lunch... This is what it looked like:

  (click the icon for the "real" version)

:oops::oops:Ehm...anyway... Tomorrow's gonna be great!

Have a great sxc Monday!!

"Life is too important to be taken seriously" - Oscar Wilde

PS. I'm sorry if the video scared you... If you didn't figure it out by yourself it's not actually me...:P:P..I just watch it sometimes, makes my "issues" nonexistent...


Respite: A usually short interval of rest or relief

Thank god it’s friday. No worries, just looking forward to the week-end. A respite from the to-dos and stress that’s always around. It’s probably my favorite day of the week. Mondays :twisted: - speaks for itself, Tuesdays – all the energy from the week-end is gone and it’s only tuesday (pb totally rocks my tuesday mornings though so after the hiatus they’re gonna be a lot brighter), Wednesdays – neutral, the day boring as **, the night ** great if you decide to make something of it:D:D, Thursdays – the day before friday- yay / the day after wednesday night – not-so-yay, Fridays – D-day, the week-end is finally here, always start with coffeedrinking and girltalk in the afternoon:D and then….. other stuff:P, Saturdays – :D:P speaks for itself, Sundays – the sunday syndrome:evil:.

Ooo I almost forgot it’s been snowing today! It seems like the winter is finally coming (only like 2 months too late…)

Have a great friday and a great weekend!

"You are alive. So live."


I'm eating ice cream. With chocolate sauce. And I'm drinking. A BIG cup of coffee. My favorite comfort food so obviously something's wrong... The thing is school starts tomorrow. I can't believe it's already been 2 1/2 weeks, I refuse to believe it. Unfortunately my teacher never goes for the "I-thought-it-was-Sunday"-excuse so I'm gonna have to show up tomorrow anyway, too bad... I'm never happy about going back to school but this is waay beyond the Sunday syndrome... I think I need more ice cream. I definately need more ice cream. I'm gonna continue this later.

Rondellhundar och Datasupport (Roundabout dogs and computer support)

I spent today mostly doing nothing... Sounds a bit depressing but it's realxing sometimes. (I ended up being a bit bored though which led to blogposting...)
Well the day wasn't completely uneventful: I went out on a mission - my computer support services are extremely popular...  I'm everyones go-to when it comes to anything that has to do with their comps, cells, tvs etc. and I have no idea why coz I know squat about those things. Anyway, my gramp needed some help with his new CD recorder and I was there in a heartbeat always happy to oblige :)...

And I almost forgot.. I saw a new rondellhund (roundabout dog) today:), he was red but I don't remember his name..

Edit: I guess the roundabout dogs thing deserves an explanation.. It's quite silly and a bit weird but it does cheer me up whenever I see one. Basically it's a dog that someone made and then put in the middle of a roundabout. It all started in a town in Sweden then it spread to the rest of the country and I read that there are dogs in Denmark, Spain and England as well. They even have their own website - Swedish - English - unfortunately the one in English isn't very elaborated and this is their entry at wikipedia, you can find out more about how this thing started at any of the mentioned sites...

I realize that anyone who reads this is gonna think I'm a complete freak...maybe I am... but the thought of people actually making these just makes me smile...

John Doe Spoiler

"SPOILERWARNING: If you haven't read the spoilerthread don't highlight

So for those who are curious here it goes: John Doe is Terrence Steadman (aha moment...:P)

The new spoilers/speculations:

There's a lot of speculation about TS's death and from what I understand Michael is all teary because he feels/is guilty about it. (Don't worry Michael didn't kill him according to these sources)

Someone speculated:"About this plan...Maybe K-man has a plan that they should stick with, but Michael says NO and wants to do something else. The brothers arguing w/K-Man could indicate they go Michael's route. But Michael's plan goes wrong & TS dies as a result." And someone who've seen it replied: "Pretty damn close!"

 The new spoilers about John Doe are about

who kills him

And if you want to know that is

Mr. Steadman himself (suicide)


I just noticed that my profile has been set on private... If you're reading this I guess it's obvious that I changed the setting so there's really not much more to say...Have  a nice day :D

If I told you how much I need...

"If I told you how much I needed this, I wouldn't have time to eat it" - Zaphod Beeblebrox

If I told you how much I needed this, I wouldn't have time to drink it - but this is pretty much the gist....

Gah... I'm waiting for the damn virus scanner to stop scanning and then suddenly I saw a Java update thing and now all I can think about is coffee... Maybe that doesn't seem like a big problem (and maybe it isn't) but now I'm all vexed... The thing is it's like 03.30 am where I live and I should go to bed. And apparently drinking coffee isn't the best thing to do then... (Like one cup of coffe contains enough caffein to disturb my sleep pffftt....). Besides if I decide to go to the kitchen to make some I bet my mum will wake up just because that's the only thing that could make this worse (Murphy's laws and everything) cause then tomorrow morning (not exactly morning maybe but still..) when I'm my usual bright-and-shiny-morning-self (sarcasm intended...) she won't be very understanding...

Äh, wtf, I'll go make myself some coffee...

The Sunday Syndrome

School starts again in a couple of days and I'm starting to feel the classical Sunday Syndrome symptoms.

Sunday Syndrome: A feeling usually caused by the fact that you have to go to school (or work) the next day. Also occurs the last couple days of a longer vacation.


Freaking out about all the stuff you should have done during your time off but still haven't (I'm gonna take care of it tomorrow, ok...)

Freaking out about what you did before/during the weekend/vacation that's now coming back to haunt you (I'm kinda hoping they've forgotten all about it but what are the odds of that happening...)

Being so consumed with the thought of the upcoming monday (or whatever day your doomsday is) that you end up lethargic in front of the tv (or other comfortable place of your choosing)

Spending your time thinking about how much fun you should be having right now before the dreaded day arrives

And as a result:

Excessive ice cream and/or chocolate eating (all your troubles just disappear, only to be replaced with new weight-related ones...)

Drinking way too much coffe (waay too much...I love, I'm not high on caffein, maybe just a little...)

Long, slightly neurotic conversations with your friends (preferably over a cup of coffee...)

Changing the date setting on your cell and comp and trying to figure out a way to make everyone believe it's friday (or whatever day your vacation started)

"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed"- Marvin

PS. Don't get scared or anything I'm not all that depressed I just LOVE Marvin the Paranoid Android, for those who haven't heard of him he's a character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (great book - if you haven't read it, read it!)

Happy New Year!!

New Year... a time for resolutions and new habits that you never hold on to.. That's why I thought it's probably a good idea to post this 2006 (I guess it's 2007 in some parts of the world - Happy New Year New Zealand!! - but where I live it's still 12 hours left of 2006). My thought with this is to give my friends a break for once with my endless rambling emails and maybe post some of it here instead... I'll probably end up torturing them anyway (maybe torture is harsh - it's not quite that bad...). Anyway I've felt like blogging for a while and I thought this might be a good place to start..

So I won't really make any resolutions this year (well, I will but I'm not telling, I always keep them a secret - that way no one can hold it against me...) but I can tell you this much: 2007 is gonna be freakin' great, I just know it. I tend to be slightly glass-half-empty at times but I really have a good feeling about this year. There's just so much fun stuff coming up how could it be anything but great!! Life is good...

I thing tonight's gonna be pretty great as well, preparty at my place with a couple of friends, then out somewhere and lots of champagne later afterparty at another friends place.

So Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you have a great time tonight!! 

"Without friends no one would chose to live, though he had all other goods" - Aristotle

PS. Whoa :shock: - what's with this sudden wave of optimism in the end (quote - dedicated to eep btw you guys are the best - not included)?? I read through what I had written before posting and I must say I'm surprised with myself - what happened to the usual sarastic cynical me I know and love;)??