New Year... a time for resolutions and new habits that you never hold on to.. That's why I thought it's probably a good idea to post this 2006 (I guess it's 2007 in some parts of the world - Happy New Year New Zealand!! - but where I live it's still 12 hours left of 2006). My thought with this is to give my friends a break for once with my endless rambling emails and maybe post some of it here instead... I'll probably end up torturing them anyway (maybe torture is harsh - it's not quite that bad...). Anyway I've felt like blogging for a while and I thought this might be a good place to start..
So I won't really make any resolutions this year (well, I will but I'm not telling, I always keep them a secret - that way no one can hold it against me...) but I can tell you this much: 2007 is gonna be freakin' great, I just know it. I tend to be slightly glass-half-empty at times but I really have a good feeling about this year. There's just so much fun stuff coming up how could it be anything but great!! Life is good...
I thing tonight's gonna be pretty great as well, preparty at my place with a couple of friends, then out somewhere and lots of champagne later afterparty at another friends place.
So Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you have a great time tonight!!
"Without friends no one would chose to live, though he had all other goods" - Aristotle
PS. Whoa :shock: - what's with this sudden wave of optimism in the end (quote - dedicated to eep btw you guys are the best - not included)?? I read through what I had written before posting and I must say I'm surprised with myself - what happened to the usual sarastic cynical me I know and love;)??