I spent today mostly doing nothing... Sounds a bit depressing but it's realxing sometimes. (I ended up being a bit bored though which led to blogposting...)
Well the day wasn't completely uneventful: I went out on a mission - my computer support services are extremely popular... I'm everyones go-to when it comes to anything that has to do with their comps, cells, tvs etc. and I have no idea why coz I know squat about those things. Anyway, my gramp needed some help with his new CD recorder and I was there in a heartbeat always happy to oblige :)...
And I almost forgot.. I saw a new rondellhund (roundabout dog) today:), he was red but I don't remember his name..
Edit: I guess the roundabout dogs thing deserves an explanation.. It's quite silly and a bit weird but it does cheer me up whenever I see one. Basically it's a dog that someone made and then put in the middle of a roundabout. It all started in a town in Sweden then it spread to the rest of the country and I read that there are dogs in Denmark, Spain and England as well. They even have their own website - Swedish - English - unfortunately the one in English isn't very elaborated and this is their entry at wikipedia, you can find out more about how this thing started at any of the mentioned sites...
I realize that anyone who reads this is gonna think I'm a complete freak...maybe I am... but the thought of people actually making these just makes me smile...