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*xJeniflowerx Blog

Long time no post? Heh.

Well, i haven't posted her in absolutely ages, so i thought it was time i made an appearance.

So, i've nearing the end of my first year at college, and so looms the ever prominant threat of exams. Oh dear. I have so many over the next week, i think i might die of spontaneous combustion. But, alas, i still have to do them.

All be over in a week though. Then three weeks of bridging before i'm off for the Summer! Yippee! That means we finish two days before my birthday. Certainly cutting it fine, lol.

But it means that i really need a job. I seriously do. I need to get off my lazy ass and do something. But i probably won't until after exams are over. I don't need the extra stress.

What's really scary though, is that next septemeber (if i get the grades) i will be starting University. ARGH! I don't feel old enough to go to Uni, i really don't. I want to go back to high school, lol. I'm such a baby.

Anyways, off to do more revision now. Yay cramming!

Can't think of an interesting title...

Okay, got back from holiday bout two weeks ago. Was fantabulous in Canada. Saw 6 bears! Hehehe.

Now i need to find a job...

College also starts in just over a week. I need to actually decide on my courses. Yah boo sucks to that.

On a lighter note, i got my GCSE results. VERY good.
Art: A*
English literature + language: A
Maths: A
Science (dbl award): B
History: B
Geography: B
Maths statistics: C

All in all, very cool.

We're all going on a, summer holiday

I've now finished compulsory school! All gone...*sigh* Just college for 2 years, then Med School (if, of course, i get into a med course *cross fingers*) Everythings getting all serious now. Quite scary. Got a letter through the other day saying if i earn such and such amount i have to start paying tax seeing as im 16 now and can legally get a job. Which i do need, cause money burns a whole in my pocket, lol.

I'm also going on Holiday to Canada for 2 weeks on 28th July! hehe. Going to see my cousins and such. Muchos fun, looking forward to it!

Now onto TMNT! 4Kids are being uber annoying about it... The rest of FF are not being shown until this fall... sucks much? On a lighter note they may or may not be making a new film to follow on from the 2007 movie. w00t!

Had Prom on my birthday too! Twas BRILLIANT! Everyone looked utterly gorgeous ^^ Much dancing, much fun. Then of course the after party, got really pished and messed my foot up by falling up my friends steps... didnt feel it at the time. lol.

Thats about it really...

Of Monkeys, Dr who, and exams

Monkeys...Well, monkey Zoo to be precise. Down in Stoke on trent i think it was. 2 hour ride. Not bad in a sense, i've had longer. Overall, was very fun! You see, my friend Gems dad's boss (lol) was having a company bbq, and her brother got out of it somehow so i was invited along. Started off at the Monkey sanctuary (barbery macaques, so cute, lol) then migrated to the boss' house (he had a HUGE tv...MAHUSIVE).
Any right minded english person will know that on a day you don't want it to rain, it will. And of course, this was no exception. The heavens opened, and down came the odd terential downpour. Needless to say, im glad i bought a spare change of clothes, but not for the reasons you're thinking of.
At the bbq, back at the house, the boss had hired a bouncy castle (this was of course, mainly for the kids before the adults got pissed and decided to have a go ;) ) The rain had in all nature, soaked in through, so, being us, we decided to have a good bounce, lol. Very fun, got very wet.
All in all, a very fun day out!

Dr who... The master. Jesus blooming christ on a shiny pogo stick!! I have never squealed that high before when watching an episode of Dr who. lol. I think i may have deafened my brother. But just, omg! For one, loved that Jack was back with his sexiness, hehe. Also, the whole Y.A.N.A. thing, verycool, and the sound of drums. Then of course, the master himself. John Simms made a brilliant entrance through the regeneration of the professor. AND HE STOLE THE DAMN TARDIS! Stranding my poor sexi doctor and captain ... (and martha) in the far future with a couple of dozen wild people outside the door! How the hell will they get home? They don't exactly have a re call key for the TARDIS? Do they? ...*sigh* guess i'll have to wait till next saturday, lol.

Then, of course, my final exam is on Thursday! YES! Statistics then it's all over. Of course, still have leavers day and prom, but they dont really count. Must say though, i'm going to miss it all rather badly... :(

School and general stuff

Well, last full day of school on friday, now half term... don't really know how to feel. Bit sad in a way, as we won't be together fully again until leavers day- maybe not even then! At least most people are going to the college i am ^^

Exams officially start 5th June... sucks royal chickens. Not looking forward to it. Geography paper 2, and Maths non calc to start. Same day. On a Monday. I might just die... lol

Luton carnival was supposed to be today... got cancelled due to the AWFUL weather. I don't think its stopped raining for two days! ITS BEEN CONSTANT! ITS DRIVING ME NUTS! On top of that i had a cold.... Mum wouldnt even let me run around in the rain the other day neither, cause she said she didnt want to play nurse to someone with pnuemonia over exams... which is understandable, lol

Anyway, on a lighter note, i should be seeing POTC3 tomorrow! YAY! Jack is back *huggles johnny depp* He is just tooooo cute. Hehehe. Love pirates to, just so cool. ;)

Why not

 Found this on Polarice girls profile and thought 'what the hell, why not' :D

Starting time?
Jen/ Jeniflower
Year 11 (english school system)
Andrew- 13 
Ever helped somebody cheat?
Not really.
Missed school because it was raining?
Um.... no. I would be strung up by my toe nails by my mum if i did
Set any body part on fire for amusement?
Not body parts, no.
Kept a secret from everyone?
Had an imaginary friend?
Nope. Well, not according to my memory.
Wanted to hook up with a friend?
Cried during a Flick?
Had a crush on a teacher?
Hell no.
Ever thought an animated character was hot
yup= Zuko, Toya Kinomoto :D
Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape?
Whats new kids on the block :?
Prank called someone?
yes, hahaha
Been on stage?
Yup, i was Mary in the christmas play, a red rapping reindeer, an angel, a narrator, a crystal ball seller, and a rat ^^ (that's what i can remember...)...(they were all diff productions)
Favourite shampoo?
Tresemee (sp?)
Favourite colours?
Blakc and red.
Day or Night?
Summer or Winter?
Favourite online Smiley?

Like anyone on
Of course i do! Look at all my wunderful fweends, hehe
Known the longest of your friends on
Name your best friend(s) on
That's mean...I like them all!
Who's the loudest on
God only knows...
Who's the shyest on
See above answer.
Who do you go to for advice on
I dunno
Who do you cry with in real life?
All by myself...aww
Course i've cried
Cut your hair?
When i was muchos younger... my mum went mad.
Worn a skirt?
Yup, on the occasion
Been mean?
Duh, :lol:
Been sarcastic?
No, i've never been sarcastic in my life:P ;)
Missed someone?
Yes, of course :(
Hugged someone?
Hug loads of people :D
Fought with your parents?
My mum
Wished upon a star?
Yup, i have before.
Laughed until you cried?
Yeah :lol: all the time
Played Truth or Dare?
yes many times- many, many times                                                                                                            
Watched a sunrise or sunset?
Yup yup
Went to the beach at night?
Read a book for fun?
Of course! I love to read
Are you lonely?
I get lonely sometimes, yes
Are you happy?
Most of the time...Whats the point of being sad?
Are you talking to someone online?
Not at this current moment
Do you believe in God or the Devil?
Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in The Closet Monster?
No...*shifty eyes*
Do you believe in The Big Bang Theory?
do you believe in Heaven or Hell?
Not really.
Do you believe in superstitions?
What is your full name?
Jennifer Lynne
Who named you?
my Dad
Backstreet Boys or N Sync?
What was the last thing that you said online?
Take care
What is right next to you?
My art book...and my mom...watching Bill and Ted- Most excellent!
What is your computer desk made of?
My lap... im on the latop
What is your favorite state?
State? I'm english dude
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?
Africa! or Austrailia!
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
My true love (awww)
How many buddies do you have on your list?
I don't count them
How's the weather right now?
It's wet...
What did you do last night?
Watched was B*S* but i was bored
What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex?
Personality, definately
Favorite hair colour in the opposite sex?
Not really worried...but i don't really like ginger...
Pizza or ice cream?
Pizza AND ice cream.... or just pizza
How do YOU eat an Oreo?
Oreo... they those funny busicuit things?
Dream car?
Aston Martin
What do you want to be when you grow up?
CSI/ something to do with medicine....failing that a make up artist
What are your future goals?
Get through uni, find a job, travel the world, get a family.
Favorite music?
Anything that takes my fancy
Least favorite time of the year?
I don't have a least favourite time of year...
Do you type fast or slow?
Medium to fast
If you could change your name, what would it be?
I dunno... Alora/ Eva... something pretty and unique
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
No... *shifty eyes*
Have you ever been in love?
What will your first son's name be?
Hmmm... something unque and pretty...
Favorite drink?
Umm, dunno
Do you like scary or happy movies better?
Depends on my mood- prob happy
Lust or Love
Do you consider cheerleading a sport?
Not really no
Do you want your friends to do this survey?
Why the hell not
When's your birthday?
June 29th.
How old will u be?
Time done?

Random update, w00typoodles

Well, i decided i hadn't written in here for a while, so now i think i will ^^

Well, Geography pissed me off, my coursework got dropped by 28 marks! 28 MARKS! That's two grades difference, and now, i can't even improve it! I hate moderators! GARGH!
And on the subject of school as well, ICT is driving me nuts, but i've almost finished, soon as tuesday gets here, that's it, no more coursework, just the exam.
My english teachers a b***h!

AND, next weeks installment of Doctor Who (ep. 7- 42) is postponed until 19th due to about pissed, i mean, no ofence, but Britains not going to win (sooch is a load of rubbish, I predict nil poi again) *Sigh* Damn it, i need my weekly dosage, :lol:

So, i'm back

Well, i'm now back at school! Woopeydoodles, you can just tell i'm excited to be back can't you? T.T
To start off, i've just had a good kick up the butt, and finally realised my exams start next month, and i have two weeks to finish all my ICT stuff too. So i'm stressed. Not only that, but ALL the teachers are bugging us, and i mean ALL (especially english....she needs to go and retire) *mumbles incoherant things about english teach*
OH, and to put the cherry on the cake, the Geog moderators have marked everyones coursework down, Blooming perfect eh? MODERATORS SUCK! (no ofense to any moderators...unless you moderate art, then take it as offense)

Apart from that, all is well. Once more obsessed with avatar, gotta love it, tried water bending in the didnt work, lol. My bad....
And i'm broke...damn it...i really need a job or something...

OOOOOOOO, looking forward to Dr Who on saturday, lmao, and CSI:NY, religeous for me.


Doctor Who !!!

Right, i should've so written about this for my first blog entry, and i can't believe i forgot about it! Third episode of Doctor Who: Gridlock. Talk about OMG factor.

First off, i had been reading rumours about this series for the past like, two months, and have been awaiting this episode ever since the air date came out. It's the perfect time for it as well, third episode. You wont believe how pshyched up i was for watching this one, i couldn't move... literally.

~ Warning, spoilers ahead for those who haven't watched 'Gridlock' ~

The rumours on the net were that the face of bo was going to tell the Doctor a big secret (we even had hints about this secret during 'New Earth' at the beginning of the last series). I also heard other rumours about introducing another Timelord. Now, the face of bos words back this up: 'You are not alone'. I heard this rumour, and it turned out to be true. Someone must've leaked it! I had been waiting ages to hear those words from the face of bo himself. I WAS SO HAPPY! I just randomly jumped around the room, first time i'd moved much since the start of the episode, lol. The Doctor was all like 'no way, i'm the last' blah blah blah.

First off, there has been other timelords through the series' of Doctor Who....well, Timelord i should say, called The totally evil. I think he was during the reign of the third/fourth Doctor, can't remember, i'd have to look it up on Wikipedia again.

Well, i'm thinking that this supposed other Timelord is also evil. I read in RT (radio times) when i was looking at the episode guide that Doctor Who fans should be looking to references about a dude called Saxon (its a small thing i noticed in the first episode 'Smith and Jones'. When Martha is first introduced to the Tardis, she stands there with a wall full of posters behind her. On one white poster, there is 'Vote Saxon' on it. I had heard Saxon somewhere before metioned, so i thought, well, there has to be some sort of significance there), and another dude called Professor Lazarus (episode 6: 'The Lazarus experiment' ).

There's also more to look forward to towards the end of this series, and we expect to find a lot more about the Timelords and the Doctors past. In RT, in the episode guide, i shall type you out the short teaser for episodes 12 + 13...

- "The season finale! And the trap closes, as the Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack find themselves in a desperate fight for survival.
Who are the Toclafane? What is the power of Archangel? And what terrible secrets are stored at the heart of the Valiant? It's an epic and heartbreaking story, as the Doctor faces his greated enemy yet. Now, i wonder who could that be...?" -

I really desperately want to watch the last two episodes now, but i have a strong feeling that we won't get some of those factors unless we watch the rest of the series. Now, 'the heart of the Valiant' could possibly refer to another TARDIS, if the whole being another timelord theory is correct. And his greatest enemy could be that Timelord (seeing as the timelord is most likely to be evil...damn it). His greatest enemy is unlikely to be the Dalek of the Cult of Skaro that escaped in 'Doomsday', as that ones turning up in episodes 3 + 4 (maybe with some more friends, i don't know) and presumably is going to be defeated then by the Doctor.

Oh, and CAPTAIN JACK IS BACK! If you already hadn't guessed, lol. He returnes in Episode 11: Utopia and stays for the last bit of the series. WOOO! ^.^ Don't you just love Captain Jack...We might even be able to find out his real name (for those who don't watch Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness is not his real name, and just a name he took off a Captain from WW2). We might also be able to find out why he can't die. I know its because of the heart of the TARDIS, but there has to be more than that for an explanation.

Okay, also, who just loved Brannigan in Gridlock, omg, he was so cool, lol. Had the cutest accent too ^^. Had to say that. Anyway, during this series, there's also some more creepy episodes, like 'The Empty Child' from the first series with Christopher Eccleston. Episodes- 8:Human Nature, and 9:The family of Blood are supposedly going to give you a chill, but the highlight of the scare for this series is episode 10:Blink. Even the title is creepy, and is written by Steven Moffat, the same script editor who thought of the tick tock clockwork droids from 'Girl in the Fireplace' and the gas mask zombies from 'The Empty Child'. Something to definately look forward too!

Overall, this has definately been more of a reiew than anything else, but i had to write it down somewhere, and there are so many bits and bobs from all over the new series you couldn't just write in one review... well, you could, and i might, but i might not, so here it is ^^

Anyway, Doctor Who is a definate must see over the next few saturdays for me. WOOHOO! Plus, David Tennant is just to gorgeous for words, lol.


First post on the site...EVER

Woah, first post and its my blog, interesting eh?

 Hm, well, thought i'd write something, and my mums doing a bonfire, so i thought i'd let you all know! ^.^ Oh, and i go back to school from easter hols on.....Tuesday, woohoo T.T

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway, i had to paint today, for my art coursework, which i have more to do... i love to paint, dont get my wrong, but i'm just so sick of doing it because i have to! It's MAD! I'M GOING NUTS! Mmmm...nuts :P

 Well, better get back to my painting....yay