Right, i should've so written about this for my first blog entry, and i can't believe i forgot about it! Third episode of Doctor Who: Gridlock. Talk about OMG factor.
First off, i had been reading rumours about this series for the past like, two months, and have been awaiting this episode ever since the air date came out. It's the perfect time for it as well, third episode. You wont believe how pshyched up i was for watching this one, i couldn't move... literally.
~ Warning, spoilers ahead for those who haven't watched 'Gridlock' ~
The rumours on the net were that the face of bo was going to tell the Doctor a big secret (we even had hints about this secret during 'New Earth' at the beginning of the last series). I also heard other rumours about introducing another Timelord. Now, the face of bos words back this up: 'You are not alone'. I heard this rumour, and it turned out to be true. Someone must've leaked it! I had been waiting ages to hear those words from the face of bo himself. I WAS SO HAPPY! I just randomly jumped around the room, first time i'd moved much since the start of the episode, lol. The Doctor was all like 'no way, i'm the last' blah blah blah.
First off, there has been other timelords through the series' of Doctor Who....well, Timelord i should say, called The Master....so totally evil. I think he was during the reign of the third/fourth Doctor, can't remember, i'd have to look it up on Wikipedia again.
Well, i'm thinking that this supposed other Timelord is also evil. I read in RT (radio times) when i was looking at the episode guide that Doctor Who fans should be looking to references about a dude called Saxon (its a small thing i noticed in the first episode 'Smith and Jones'. When Martha is first introduced to the Tardis, she stands there with a wall full of posters behind her. On one white poster, there is 'Vote Saxon' on it. I had heard Saxon somewhere before metioned, so i thought, well, there has to be some sort of significance there), and another dude called Professor Lazarus (episode 6: 'The Lazarus experiment' ).
There's also more to look forward to towards the end of this series, and we expect to find a lot more about the Timelords and the Doctors past. In RT, in the episode guide, i shall type you out the short teaser for episodes 12 + 13...
- "The season finale! And the trap closes, as the Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack find themselves in a desperate fight for survival.
Who are the Toclafane? What is the power of Archangel? And what terrible secrets are stored at the heart of the Valiant? It's an epic and heartbreaking story, as the Doctor faces his greated enemy yet. Now, i wonder who could that be...?" -
I really desperately want to watch the last two episodes now, but i have a strong feeling that we won't get some of those factors unless we watch the rest of the series. Now, 'the heart of the Valiant' could possibly refer to another TARDIS, if the whole being another timelord theory is correct. And his greatest enemy could be that Timelord (seeing as the timelord is most likely to be evil...damn it). His greatest enemy is unlikely to be the Dalek of the Cult of Skaro that escaped in 'Doomsday', as that ones turning up in episodes 3 + 4 (maybe with some more friends, i don't know) and presumably is going to be defeated then by the Doctor.
Oh, and CAPTAIN JACK IS BACK! If you already hadn't guessed, lol. He returnes in Episode 11: Utopia and stays for the last bit of the series. WOOO! ^.^ Don't you just love Captain Jack...We might even be able to find out his real name (for those who don't watch Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness is not his real name, and just a name he took off a Captain from WW2). We might also be able to find out why he can't die. I know its because of the heart of the TARDIS, but there has to be more than that for an explanation.
Okay, also, who just loved Brannigan in Gridlock, omg, he was so cool, lol. Had the cutest accent too ^^. Had to say that. Anyway, during this series, there's also some more creepy episodes, like 'The Empty Child' from the first series with Christopher Eccleston. Episodes- 8:Human Nature, and 9:The family of Blood are supposedly going to give you a chill, but the highlight of the scare for this series is episode 10:Blink. Even the title is creepy, and is written by Steven Moffat, the same script editor who thought of the tick tock clockwork droids from 'Girl in the Fireplace' and the gas mask zombies from 'The Empty Child'. Something to definately look forward too!
Overall, this has definately been more of a reiew than anything else, but i had to write it down somewhere, and there are so many bits and bobs from all over the new series you couldn't just write in one review... well, you could, and i might, but i might not, so here it is ^^
Anyway, Doctor Who is a definate must see over the next few saturdays for me. WOOHOO! Plus, David Tennant is just to gorgeous for words, lol.
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