Monkeys...Well, monkey Zoo to be precise. Down in Stoke on trent i think it was. 2 hour ride. Not bad in a sense, i've had longer. Overall, was very fun! You see, my friend Gems dad's boss (lol) was having a company bbq, and her brother got out of it somehow so i was invited along. Started off at the Monkey sanctuary (barbery macaques, so cute, lol) then migrated to the boss' house (he had a HUGE tv...MAHUSIVE).
Any right minded english person will know that on a day you don't want it to rain, it will. And of course, this was no exception. The heavens opened, and down came the odd terential downpour. Needless to say, im glad i bought a spare change of clothes, but not for the reasons you're thinking of.
At the bbq, back at the house, the boss had hired a bouncy castle (this was of course, mainly for the kids before the adults got pissed and decided to have a go ;) ) The rain had in all nature, soaked in through, so, being us, we decided to have a good bounce, lol. Very fun, got very wet.
All in all, a very fun day out!
Dr who... The master. Jesus blooming christ on a shiny pogo stick!! I have never squealed that high before when watching an episode of Dr who. lol. I think i may have deafened my brother. But just, omg! For one, loved that Jack was back with his sexiness, hehe. Also, the whole Y.A.N.A. thing, verycool, and the sound of drums. Then of course, the master himself. John Simms made a brilliant entrance through the regeneration of the professor. AND HE STOLE THE DAMN TARDIS! Stranding my poor sexi doctor and captain ... (and martha) in the far future with a couple of dozen wild people outside the door! How the hell will they get home? They don't exactly have a re call key for the TARDIS? Do they? ...*sigh* guess i'll have to wait till next saturday, lol.
Then, of course, my final exam is on Thursday! YES! Statistics then it's all over. Of course, still have leavers day and prom, but they dont really count. Must say though, i'm going to miss it all rather badly... :(