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*x_IY_and_FMA_x Blog

Post below is wrong.25 days.

It turns out that KH2 isn't coming out march 1st,but on the 28th.So I have to wait forever.But I have been waiting for this for at least a year and have seen most of the cutscenes so it will be worth it ;)

Countdown to Kingdom Hearts 2: ONE FRIGGEN DAY!!!

Well,My favourite video game in the world is gonna come out in one day and I can't wait.You see,about a year ago I met a girl on and we became great frinds.Her name was Sarah and she is probably the best friend I have today.However,she lives in california and I only get to see her once a year.We started to talk about video games and what were our favs.I said zelda and she said Kingdom hearts.I had no idea what that was so I did some researching.I bought a PS2,got the game and fell in love with it.Now I play it all the time and I am a major fangirl of the least expected character.But then again,every time I get into something japanese it is the least expected.Those of you who see me on the Fullmetal Alchemist boards know that for a fact.But now,They are making a second game.In between KH and KH2 you will see KH: Chain of Memories which I have played.Anyway if you haven't played its basicly about a boy named Sora,Who lives on a peaceful island and then all of these things keep happening and everyone talks about a "door" being opened.Then his island disapperears and he is in traverse town.He gets a sword known as the Keyblade.In traverse Town he meets Donald and Goofy who travel with him.they go through countless Disney worlds,and then go to the end to defeat Ansem-Persuer of all Darkness,Master of the heartless,some creep who doesn't wear a shirt,and my personal favourite character :P anyway after that you close the door to darkness and save the world.Then there is a dramatic ending.I just can't wait till the second comes out.Hope there are other fans out there ^_^

L'arc~en~Ciel On the AZN!

Well,tonight I have been watchin the AZN and I found that my favourite band in Japan was the fetured band for PopJapan TV!I nearly flipped but then I found out that one of the main reasons why they were put on there was because of the song that is on my favourite anime,Fullmetal Alchemist.Just a shout out to the lead singer,Hyde,YOU ROCK GLUTTONY'S SOX!!!

A crappy valentines day.

Well Valentine's day sux.My boyfriend dumped me for a jerk but it turns out that she is gonna dump him in the end.I am thinkin about hooking back up with him after everything is done tho.I am pretty embarrassed that I don't have a boyfriend -_-' but I guess for the time being I should just sit around eating chocolate covered fortune cookies and watching the AZN

The Seahawks lost :(

Well,my team lost the superbowl.Don't get me wrong I am NOT a fotball fan.But they are my team!I have to mourn for thier loss.But in my-Actully,In pretty much everyone in Seattle's opinion,THE REFS WERE PAID OFF.The Steelers got like...1 fowl in the entire game and we got like 500!!!!It's a conspiracy.And for all of the Steelers fans,I would like to congradulate you guys.I am a Seahawks fan but no a crazed football maniac so once again,Congratz ;)

My slideshow.

this is the first movie I have ever made on the computer.You see,A while back after I typed that one post about our club,I thought to myself,"Why don't I make a slideshow based on the sins?"so I did.I finished it at exactly 2:18 AM and showed it to my dad and step mom.My dad nearly kills me by hugging me and says,"when did you learn to do this?"I just kinda looked at him and said,"I didn't exactly learn I just figured it out and played with the video effects." he watched the entire thing and was in shock.I still thought he was making a big deal out of anyway,if you want to see it,heres the link:

"Hey I got an Idea.....

Today exacly one year ago,I went to school thinking it would be a normal day.Then it happened.At recess me and my 6 other friends were thinking about starting a club(I'm 10 give me a break)and I was just kinda sittin back waitin for the whistle to blow.Then Colby says "I think we should think of one theme and stick with it."Then I notice,"hey,we all watch FMA" so I tap Colby on the shoulder and say,"Lets go with the sins From Fullmetal Alchemist."she stares at me like I'm brilliant.Come on I just thought of a friggen theme its not a big deal.Colby says that I will be the leader of this whole thing.She simply says,"ok so now that we got that worked out,what sin are each of us gonna be?" I look at her thinking "What the hell?You know who I wanna be"then not really caring what I am doing and how embarassd I will be in 3 simple syllables of a name,I scream at the top of my lungs,"GLUTTONY!!!!" everybody undercover hears it and I'm screwed.Now a year later I go to school and instead of saying "Hi" to Colby,I simply walk up to her and say,"Lust,What would I do without you?"She smiles,and says "Gluttony,Go eat my exboyfriend."and we walk to school happily.:3

I am an obsessed fangirl.

For those of you who go on the FMA boards,you already know this if you have seen my posts.But to those who don't go on FMA boards and watch FMA anyway this is what I have to say:GLUTTONY IS THE CUTEST FRICKEN SIN IN TEH WORLD!!!AND IF YOU SAY OTHERWISE I WILL KILL LUST AND MAKE GLUTTONY MY PET!!!!!ALL SHALL HAIL THE BALD PUPILESS CANIBAL OF DOOM!!!!!YAH!now I know most of you just got freaked out.good.I have been waiting to let that out for months now and I am cool and calm now cool and calm...
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