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Countdown to Kingdom Hearts 2: ONE FRIGGEN DAY!!!

Well,My favourite video game in the world is gonna come out in one day and I can't wait.You see,about a year ago I met a girl on and we became great frinds.Her name was Sarah and she is probably the best friend I have today.However,she lives in california and I only get to see her once a year.We started to talk about video games and what were our favs.I said zelda and she said Kingdom hearts.I had no idea what that was so I did some researching.I bought a PS2,got the game and fell in love with it.Now I play it all the time and I am a major fangirl of the least expected character.But then again,every time I get into something japanese it is the least expected.Those of you who see me on the Fullmetal Alchemist boards know that for a fact.But now,They are making a second game.In between KH and KH2 you will see KH: Chain of Memories which I have played.Anyway if you haven't played its basicly about a boy named Sora,Who lives on a peaceful island and then all of these things keep happening and everyone talks about a "door" being opened.Then his island disapperears and he is in traverse town.He gets a sword known as the Keyblade.In traverse Town he meets Donald and Goofy who travel with him.they go through countless Disney worlds,and then go to the end to defeat Ansem-Persuer of all Darkness,Master of the heartless,some creep who doesn't wear a shirt,and my personal favourite character :P anyway after that you close the door to darkness and save the world.Then there is a dramatic ending.I just can't wait till the second comes out.Hope there are other fans out there ^_^