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*xoJuStKiSsHeRxo Blog

i'm gonna be sharpay =]

woo-hoo! i auditioned for the part of Sharpay in our town's production of High School Musical and i got the part of Sharpay's understudy! and we already know the person who's gonna play her isn't gonna make 2 of the 5 shows, so i get to be a star twice! i'm so happy, i just got the call yesterday!

Level 8!

woo-hoo, i'm finally level 8!!

aw, i'm bummed I missed the all-nighter on the boards last night, my mom FINALLY said i could stay up all night, but then i was at a sleep-over....


okay, in my town, there was this little dog-show in the mall, and my mom was like, aw, let's enter Macy! so we did, and she got like, 2nd to last place, out of 10 dogs! it was funny! she didn't do her tricks right, and she went really crazy when she saw another dog, but it was really fun to put her in it, and funnier to watch her.

My Fears

Okay, so apparently if u have more than 30 you're paranoid

It u have 10 or less, you're fearless

If you have 11-29 you're just average,as my friend wouldsay =]

i Fear...

[ ] the dark
[ ] your children having disabilities/homosexual
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[ ] black cats
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] spiders- i'm deadly afraid of them! i've had bad experinces!!
[ ] driving or being in cars
[ ]flying
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[x] fire
[ ] deep water
[ ] the ocean
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[ ] my ex boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] my ex boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[ ] mice/rats
[ ] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[ ] Heaven
[x] being robbed
[ ] cotton balls
[ ] cemeteries
[xxx] clowns- they creep me out!
[ ] large crowd
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibility
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes
[ ] hurricanes
[ ] diseases
[x] snakes
[ ] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] ghosts
[ ] poverty
[ ] trains or railroads
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[] being alone
[xx] being blind
[xx] being deaf
[ ] growing up
[ ] monsters under my bed
[x] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bees
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood
[ ] veins
[ ] dinosaurs if they were alive
[ ] ants

i'm fearless =] i only have10 fears!

okay, so i'm freaked out about spiders cuz when i was on my friend's trampoline, there was a hole under it, and all of a sudden (while we were on it) a GIANT trantual crawled out from under it, i've been the same sandbox as a BLACK WIDOW and wheni was like 5 years old, there were this little tiny black things were bitting my legs, turns out there was a spider's nest in my room, biting my legs everynight! so yeah, that's why i'm deathly afraid of spiders.

what do you guys fear?

my icon-things

okay, so over under my level score, i have these icons, and one minute i have the Drama one and then next time i don't. does anybody know why?

new icon!!

hey everybody, i just wanted to say thanks to my 28 friends-




























and a special thanks to NedFan01 for being my 1st friend here in!

i finally got that new icon-thingy i've been wanting! anywayz, there's some road construction on the road next to my house, and there was a wild bull-dozer (no one got hurt!!) and knocked over a powerline, causing Charter ppl to lose Cable, Internet, and Phone! i was sooo bored yesterday, it was actually kinda pathetic how bored i was! okay, that's all that for now.


omg, one of my best friend's cousin died in a car accident, and this person happened to be my brother's best friend! some drunk driver was speeding and ran a red light! and my best friend was in that car wreck! she came with only a few bruises and scratches, but her cousin died :( what's sad is that he was only 14 years old! (there was a different driver, but he made it)

so bored, again

i'm so freaking bored!

I finally remebered how to change my avatar, i like me new one :)

and i finally reached 200 message board post! wo0t, only 300 more, then i have 500.

volleyball tryouts for school- 1 month, so nervous

u wanna know that sux? for homeroom this year, i have MATH first thing in the morning, that's just what i want, algebra as soon as i wake up, oh joy. can't wait.


when my friend spent the night last night, we found this really funny video! you should check it out! here's the link-'s when will ferrel meets his landlord, Pearl. haha, i found it hilarious :) oh, and i've grown an inch since i did that survey! i'm now 5'3! :)

we're back...

we were back from Indiana, and i had to cut corn, (oh vey, it was funn :) ) and i sliced my knuckel, and it wouldn't stop bleeding for like, an hour. it hurt really badly!

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