A note to television networks, producers, and writers everywhere on how to make a show successful:
I am reading all of these complaints about how so many new shows are going under. However, what I cannot understand is why more people have not seen this coming!
There is a reason why shows like 24, House, Heroes (first season), Pushing Daisies (also first season), CSI, The Office, Smallville, Dexter, etc. got extrememly popular. They were DIFFERENT from anything else on television. They were ORIGINAL. They were something NEW. So stop trying to recreate what has already been done by someone else. It does not work. The shows are never as good as the original. And they hardly ever succeed even close to the original. So stop trying to make the next big hit using someone else's ideas. Writers, GET CREATIVE! Write something new no one has thought of! And for god's sake, care about what your writing about. Don't just mass producing. Write with care PLEASE.
This brings me to my second point (ok it doesn't but I needed a lead in, so just go with it ok?). Pushing Daisies has offically been cancelled. Heroes ratings have plummited. So have Chucks, and a wide varitey of other shows. Are the television networks really that dumb? OF COUSE people aren't going to watch shows if they haven't seen them in 9 months! We are America, and the most A.D.D. society in all of history. We go through cars, houses, etc. like we go through food. We get bored and move on. That's how our society works. I saw this cominig from the start. Once people forget/ move on/ get bored, there is no going back.
So TV networks, I dedicate this to you. May you hopefully learn the error of your ways, or at least hire someone who can. Be smart. Decide on shows based on people's minds, not current profits. People change, tastes change, and so should shows. For current shows: don't wait months for a new season because people do grow tired of waiting and move on.
Come on! If I could figure this out, why couldn't you?
(side note: Does not apply to every show listed, I even like some of the shows on the list, however, they all do apply to one of the 2 categories I listed in the blog.)