I wrote a little letter today. In sense it's not really addressed to anyone since I'm not even sure if I want to send it, even though it starts "Dear 'A'". (Well, not really, it's the pseudonym I assigned her in Post 208.) Not having an internet connection in my dorm, or even a way to recharge my drained laptop (I wrote the letter on paper, even though I don't have her address so I'll have to email it anyway), is causing me to spend more time dwelling on things. Things I feel I shouldn't.
Life without my laptop is hard. I have to head over to the computer lab for everything, which means I get self conscious surfing the iCarly and Zoey 101 forums around other college students. I also can't use some plugins. I can now use my iPod by charging it with the lab computers, and use the campus wireless on it, but it's not the same as having my own (functional) laptop. Please, when will that new adapter arrive? And why was I stupid enough to lose the old one?
I'm a little peeved at one of my profs now. He said he'll have the slides posted online, but they're not. It's not a huge deal, but it would make life easier if I could just write on the printed slides instead of trying to look at the projection screen and my noteboook at the same time.
Damn, my iPod takes a long time to charge. I'm running out of ways to kill time.
Daily Screenshot: iCarly, "iGot Detention".