Before you do anything else, check this trailer out.
Sega has offered us a number of Sonic titles over the years, but none of the newer ones have been particularly good. After Sonic The Hedgehog 3, the series hasn't been able to reach that same level of... awesomeness. Hopefully things will change with the release of Sonic 4. What we want is a classic Sonic title similar to the first three games, a game so fast that you will get motion sick. Speed is what Sonic is all about and taking that away from him is like taking away everything the little guy stands for. More speed and less dimensions is what Sonic should be all about.
Can this be the one to finally win back the blue hedgehog's former glory? I suppose we will have to wait and see, but it definitely looks like Sega has got something going on here.
Oh yeah, don't forget to check out the offical site.