"It's all downhill from here."
I've forgotton who told me this last year, as what I thought was the worst school year ever was winding down. It's a good thing too. If I did remember, I'd probably punch them in the throat. Today was the first day of my Junior year of Highschool, and though I've experienced but one day, I have already come to a startling yet and unbelieveable conclusion.
No. It isn't.
I suppose I shall start off at the beginning. For all who may not know, this school year is the first year that our school has had the IB program, a rigorous course even harder than AP classes. We all knew we were the guinea pig generation. So many changes are being made just for us (new required classes, new SAT, etc...), I was beginning to feel sort of special. We all knew that this would be an interesting year, as neither we nor the teachers know quite what to expect. I told myself that as I walked to my first and second period, and double block of IB Biology. I knew it was going to be a bad day when 30+ people had walked into the lab before the bell rang. I got situated with some friends, and prepared to meet our new teacher, whom I had heard was quite cool. I'm sure he is, but I suppose I'll have to wait until next year. Our IB coordinator walked in a few minutes later with an important item of new: Our lives were a lie. Or rather, our schedules were. Turns out that they've just learned that none of us can take the IB sciences until next year. That's the only time we can take the actual IB test, and if we took it now we would probably forget all of it by then. This was both good and bad news. Good, because I really didn't want two classes in a row of Biology. Bad, because I then had no idea what I was going to do for my morning classes. So we basically spent two class periods sitting aroudn the school planetarium thing, trying to figure out what classes we should/needed to go to. In this time I found out that my best friend and I had no classes together, which simply wasn't going to do. So, we worked out a seemingly ingenious plan where I switched english periods and we took a different science this year, which would simultaneously fill my first period void, let us have two classes together, and get me out of even having to take an art class. Brilliant! So, with high hopes for the year, I set out to my third, soon to be second period of english.
I realized my decision had been a good one when around 35 people walked in and sat down. For some reason everyone of my classes is huge, for reasons I don't quite understand. Either way, I think that english will be a semi-decent class with a good teacher, but a helluva lot of work. No worries though I, and headed to lunch. I wasn't particularly hungry at the time, and considered skipping it. Glad I didn't though, because after waiting in line for 25 minutes I was starving. Cheese pizza has never tasted so good (what's with all the people this year?). Fourth hour arrived, an interesting hour since I had not even been assigned one at registration. I realized they had not given me Spanish III, and found out from another IB friend who was teaching that class during fourth hour. I trudged out to a relocatable, which I'm sure will be f***ing cold during the winter.
I was only there for 5 minutes before I realized this would be the worse class of my entire high school career. For the last two years, I had been priviledged with the greatest spanish teacher ever. Funny, smart, and actually spoke english. Now I was faced with the greater of two evils, a short, ugly, loud, spanish only speaking monster. She speaks all spanish. Fast. Very fast. The only way I had some idea of what she was saying was by picking up the occasional word and working with my friends to piece the puzzel together. I've never liked spanish. And with all the extra IB work added on (so conviniently written in English in a little brochure), I'm fairly confident this will be the first class I ever fail.
Headed to what I thought would be would be the best class of the day, I wondered what else could go wrong. I got comfotable in a nice seat, and watched as 36 more kids walked into my IB European History class. Seriously, where are all these kids coming from? I think the teacher for this class is incredibly awesome, but I don't see how it can possibly be much fun when the class size has exceeded the fire safety limit by 7. Ugh.... Got a huge book, and headed towards the final period, Pre-Calc. Nothing fancy here, just another full (38 ) classroom. Got a nice little test for the first day, I can see we're going to get along just well, me and the teacher....................................
Finally it was over at 2, and before heading home to relax (and do a little spanish homework courtesy of that b****), I headed by to see our coordinator (my favorite teacher of Euro btw), to see if I finally had everything worked out. Turns out he lied to me. By taking this other science this year, i'm not allowed to take Bio next year. WTF? So now I'm forced to choose, with the only other options next year being Chemistry or Physics. And also my request to get into Alaska Studies was denied, so I am again without a third period. Great. Maybe I'll just take a long lunch.
I'd write some more thoughts here, but I'm just too tired and pissed to think. If you got this far, thanks for taking the time to read.
One thing of good news though: I found a golf ball on the way home. :)
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