This is my first EVAR blog entry, so don't judge me please? :P
Anyway yeah, If you've bothered to look on the PSstore recently, you'll see the HAZE demo up there (and the cool HAZE theme!).
I've had the demo about a week now, and I'd like to give my thoughts and opinion on my perception of the game using the demo.
So yah, I thought the demo was utter joy to play. It looked and sounded great, the gameplay was origional (which is hard to find in an FPS nowadays) with the whole nectar addiction, I did find myself constantly pressing that L2 to get the nick kick it gives me.
The demo sees you through the 1st level of the story (i think), its set in the jungle and your objective is to locate and investigte a crash site of one of your Mantel planes.
The demo shows you how to use nectar and how to use it effectively.
The whole thing is actually quite easy, even on the Hard mode... but it is the first tutorial level after all.
Graphics werent the best ive seen a PS3 do.. but they gave the impression of depth in the jungle and didnt make you feel like you were playing a NES at least.
The sounds were great, weapon gunfire and explosions sounded just right, the voicework was a bit weak but oh well, and that sound of nectar injecting itself into your system gives you your own addrenaline shot.
Finally, I'd like to emphisise that this demo IS NOTHING LIKE THE FINAL BUILD OF HAZE, This demo is 6 months old, its acutally the demo FRD we're going to use for the november relase of HAZE... there is evidence to prove this.
As you start a game in the demo.. there is a message saying "this demo does not represent the final buid of the game"... that pretty much spells it out for you..
Secondly, If you do download the new HAZE theme for your PS3, youl see the mantel trooper, the Demo's trooper looks quite different to the new trooper on the theme, suttle changes like gloves, helmet and armour have been changed..
Finally, If you leave the demo on the "press start" screen..
youl see a movie, its up to date and shows a completely new HUD with nectar/health bars in different place and looking different.. graphics look much better and you do see the newer/better looking mantel trooper.
All in all.. reviewing the demo alone.. I'd give it 6/10.. But i am very very much looking faward to the final build, the demo entertained me enough to play that same level over and over, The final game will blow me, you, and yoru grandmother away.